Chapter 23; Penis

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"When you gonna call

Don't leave me broken hearted

I've been waiting up

Let's finish what we started, oh oh

I can't seem to let you go

Come on, that's right, cheerio"

- Karmin,'Brokenhearted'


                Was it possible to be hungover without even being drunk? Because that was exactly how I felt. Like I had drunk too much and had then fallen into a black hole. It felt like I wasn't even alive.

                After I had dropped the stripper off at the bus station, I pulled back in front of Keller's apartment and sat in the car until I could be one hundred percent certain that everyone had left the party. And by ‘everyone,' I mean Eleanor. And Eleanor's friends. So I guess that I really did mean ‘everyone.'

                Being in the car was also awful. It was times like those that really made me wish that I had an iPhone. I heard that those were a great way to pass the time. I mean, even the stripper had one to read books on when he had some time off. Instead I just sat there and stared out the window. I organized the glove compartment. I fluffed up the seat cushions. I sent Keller a million text messages begging her to fake some sort of emergency to get everyone to leave.

                After what felt like thirty hours of being in the car, I had begun reciting to myself facts about giraffes. Even though it was giraffes that had kind of gotten me into this entire mess (I was really trying to avoid taking the blame), I still really liked them. And if you really like something then you shouldn't let it go. You should be proud of it.

                Then I realized that my mental-rant about giraffes also accurately described my current situation with Louis, I called his number again, only to yet again be greeted by Harry. Obviously, I hung up, and then spent the next hour and a half bawling my eyes out in the front seat of Keller's car while blaring Adele because I was just really sad, you know?

                Finally, Keller sent me a text saying that the coast was clear and that I could come back upstairs. I helped her clean up because Eleanor's friends were filthy and I couldn't handle knowing that there had been naked people in my kitchen and then cried a little bit more.

                "Hunter, I know that this sounds absolutely horrible right now, but I'm so proud of you for standing up to Eleanor. And I totally ship you and Louis," my best friend gave me a smile despite my tears. Although I wasn't expecting for Keller to hug me. That would've been weird.

                "I tried calling him but he didn't answer," I mumbled, aggressively spraying Lysol on the countertops. "Do you think that she told him?"

                Keller shrugged, leaning back against the table. "I doubt it. I don't think that she wants to ruin her celebrity thing by talking to him. Although I think that this marriage is going to fall apart anyway. I mean, if it didn't work the first time, I don't know why it's going to work now."

                Wow. That was harsh. But interesting. Well, I was already the Campus Whore; I should at least be able to hear all of the gossip now without feeling guilty. "Why would you say that?" I asked, sniffing up my snot and tears.

                "Her last fiancé left her because he realized that she was crazy."

                My jaw dropped. Not, like, O-face style, but it dropped. "Seriously?"

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