Chapter 18; Third Base

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"I want you to know you could be the one for me (Yes, you could)

You've got all I'm looking for

You've got personality"

- Christina Aguilera, 'Come on Over (All I Want is You)


                "Do you want to do something today?"

                Of course, Keller was basically talking to a corpse at that point. Really, ‘door closed, lights off, in bed' means that I am dead asleep. Either Keller was oblivious to the fact that I was conked out or she had just chosen to ignore it. Knowing Keller, it was more than likely the latter.

                Actually, it was the latter, because she then made a big deal of climbing up on top my bed and trying to brush my hair with her foot. I don't know which is grosser, her trying to do my hair with her feet or my hair in general.

                "I was thinking that we could study and then start packing up the apartment," she said. "That is, unless you have other plans."

                Oh, squash. I did have plans. Plans that involved me, a bunch of guys, and America's Favorite Pastime.  Which is baseball, in case you aren't American. Or if you're American and just don't know a lot about sports.

                But packing and studying sounded a lot better. "That sounds great," I grumbled from under my mound of pillows. "Let's do that when I wake up."

                More petting of my hair. People really like not letting me sleep. Mainly just Harry and Keller. But it made sense knowing them. Harry was a child and did anything for attention and Keller just liked pissing people off. And she was really good at it. And she was stronger than me so if I knocked her off my bed she would easily be able to fling me out of the window.

                "Hunter, aren't you going to that baseball game today?" She knew. Why do I even try to keep secrets? It's not like people don't know in the first place.

                "I think that I should give John my ticket," I pushed the pillows off of my face. It was hot and they were making it harder for me to breathe. "I feel like it would be a nice way for all of them to bond with each other, you know? Like a masculine version of a girl's day." It still sounded lame when I said it out loud.

                Keller made a face similar to the one that Niall had made when I had told him about giving my ticket to John. "Why would you do that?"

                Even though I was half-asleep, I was pretty sure that I had just explained that to her. "So that they could bond?" I repeated uncertainly.

                Keller snorted. "Eleanor and John hate each other. I'm not trying to get her to hate me even more than she already does."

                "Why does she hate John?" It was a long shot, but it was worth it.

                "Ugh, it's stupid. A few years ago John told Eleanor's then-current boyfriend that she was cheating on him. It was all very bloody juvenile, really," Keller shrugged, hopping down off of my bed. Wait, that was all? That was so... normal. "And you know how Eleanor can hold a grudge. She'll get over it one day."

                I sat up, knocking quite a few pillows to the floor. "Wait a minute? That's why her and John hate each other? It's not some kind of bitter romance thing or whatever?"

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