Chapter 28; The Girl Can't Help It

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"My world is crushed and I'm all alone

The love bug crawls right back up and bites me and I'm back"

- Fergie, 'Clumsy'


                "We basically did it for the gifts."

                Keller and I were sitting at a table during the wedding reception. Well, Keller's wedding reception, since Eleanor wasn't the one who had gotten married. Anyways, I was trying to figure out what had inspired my best friend to hijack someone's wedding. Because Keller had told me- multiple times, if I may add- that she had no intention of ever marrying John, much less anyone. And then we leave for, like, what, twenty minutes and suddenly she's married.

                And apparently she did it for the gifts.

                "You did it for the gifts?"

                Keller nodded, completely unashamed by what she had just said. Not that Keller was ever ashamed of things that she had said. She was one of those people that never said ‘no offense' because she usually meant for it to be offensive. "It makes perfect sense, really. Eleanor has a lot more money than I do. She also invited half of England to this wedding. They all bought gifts. And I'm sure that whatever they bought will be much better than the salt shakers that my cousins always give out at our family weddings."

                Okay. That made sense. And that was also something that could be implied with my family. You wouldn't believe how many towels I had gotten for my high school graduation. I'm never going to need to buy another towel again.

                "Not to mention that this is a lovely wedding and I would feel really bad to have all of this money go to waste. Who would turn down a free wedding?" And that made even more sense. This was a pretty elaborate event. And it was Eleanor-run, so of course it would be expensive.

                "So you married John because this was entirely free?" Why was I repeating myself? We both knew why she got married. I mean, she had only just explained it to me and everything.

                She shrugged. "That and the minister said that we couldn't leave until someone got married. I was not about to watch Eleanor's parents renew their vows."

                I nodded. That could be understood.

                "So how are you and Louis?" Keller changed the subject. Which was weird because I wanted to talk about her getting married because that was more interesting than Louis and I Not Dating. But I guess it was my questionable relationship with Louis that got us here in the first place. And that sounded extremely conceited. I'm sure that John and Keller would've gotten married eventually. Just not at the wedding that was supposed to be for Louis and Eleanor.

                No one had been paying attention to us when the however many of us had walked back inside. Instead we had this awkward collision with John and Keller, who were trying to walk down the aisle and over to the building next door, which was where the reception was being held. John just waved into the camera that Harry was holding and Keller gave me a wink after noticing that Louis and I were holding hands. And then the two of them just left.

                Liam whispered something to Louis, who whispered something to Eleanor. You know, guys, I don't think that keeping secrets was good for us anymore. I mean, the last time that one of us kept a secret it ruined a wedding.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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