The Letter

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The wizarding world was panicking because of the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. The hero though was no where to be found, well he was actually at the Duresly's house. Harry Potter was staring at the wall thinking about how his so called "best friends" had betrayed him. It all started when Harry over heard Ron and Hermione talking about how they couldn't wait for him to die when facing Lord Voldemort and how they couldn't wait to get his inheritance because Dumbledore had promised them his inheritance.
So here he was debating what to do but before he could come up with any thing an owl taped on his window. The letter appeared to be from Gringotts about him not replying to their letters.
Lord Potter,

we would like for you to come so we can give you your account statement. There is a port key set to come to Gringotts after your done reading this letter the password is wealth.
Your accountant,
Well thought Harry that was unexpected. Harry grabbed the necklace port key and said wealth he felt a pulling sensation and found himself staring at Gringotts bank entrance. Well Harry wonder what I will be discovered in this meeting.

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