In the old World

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Dumbledore was plotting, but Fate had other ideas. Fate wanted Dumbledore and the rest of the people who had hurt her wayward children to pay. So Fate did what she does best and created havoc, and the first thing she did was have Amelia Bones find papers that showed Minister Fudge had been taking bribes from Dumbledore and a number of Death Eaters. This lead to the arrest of the minister and everyone involved. This also lead to Amelia Bones becoming the Minister of Magic, then she did a fill investigation into Dumbledore and found him guilty of many crimes and he was sentenced to get Kissed. Fate could only hope that this would make up for all the pain he had caused her wayward children. Now all Fate could do is send the memories to her wayward children.
With Harry in the Gundam universe
Harry had been the middle of reading a book, when one of his brothers friends came in. Harry had just gotten the memories and wanted to see them so he put his memories into the pensive for Quatre to see. Harry also did it so he wouldn't have to relive the painfuller memories. As Harry said his explanation he left the room hoping he had made the right decision.
Harry walked to his room and found the others​ already there. They looked at him with a mix of sadness and relief as they fell asleep. This is how they would be found when Quatre was finished looking at Harry's memories.

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