The Culprit Found

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Still in Gundam pilots office
Quatre was angry sure but he wanted to get everyone's mind off the news at hand and asked, "who is escorting them here?" Trowa answered, "Wufei and Sally are." "Well have you called them to check in and see what your siblings think?" Asked Quatre. Trowa and Duo looked at each other then shook their head, so Quatre said, "well why don't we call him and see what information he has." Quatre got his phone out and put it on speaker.
With Wufei in the Preventers car
Wufei had gone off on a rant about the injustice the Dursleys had committed. He also ranted about how the children not ending up with them as long as he lived. Wufei was interrupted from his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing and all sound in the car stopped not that their was much to begin with. Wufei decided to speak Chinese so they couldn't understand. "Hello this is Chang speaking." "Hey Wufei, why are we talking like this?" "Because as far as I know certain brothers and sisters do not speak this language also I have some bad news that they don't need to hear." Heero said, "oh and what would that be? Did you interview them about the abuse?" They could here the darkening of Wufei's voice as he said, "oh I did and if either Trowa or Duo plan to give these kids to the Dursley's to take care of I will kill you all." The pilots in the office looked at each other never having heard Wufei threaten to kill them before. They all knew that with that conviction at least one of them would die before they would be able to restrain him. Finally Trowa asked, "why would you not want them to go with the Dursley's? It is not like we will be able to....." Then he was interrupted by Wufei saying, "do not finish that sentence Barton or I swear to God that I will kill you." Heero decided to interrupte by saying, "why are you against the going to the Dursleys?" Wufei replied in a icy voice, "because they are responsible for your siblings abuse and no matter what you say they will not go back there even if I have to adopt them." The finality in his voice had them shocked for a moment before his words really sunk in and when they did the pilots could see why he didn't want them to go back there.
When the conversation started Harry and companies point of view
When Wufei had first started to talk they knew he was speaking Chinese and understood it well. As the conversation went on they could not help but be proud of Wufei for sticking up for them. They also couldn't believe that the Dursley's were in this universe and had a feeling it was Fates doing so they would get punished for what they did. In a way Harry couldn't help but thank Fate for doing this for him.
Back to the conversation
Wufei could here the silence his words had brought the other pilots, and hopefully he had gotten through to them with is speech or lecture. The silence was broken by Heero asking, "what is you ETA?" Wufei looked out the window and realized they had been talking for about twenty minutes then he said, "we should be their in about ten minutes." "Alright see you then," then he heard Trowa say, "keep them safe for us won't you?" Wufei said, "of course see you then." He looked at Sally and saw here smile at him for talking some sense into the other pilots. What he did not know was that the children had heard the whole conversation and we're going to thank him when they got to their destination. They also had to think of how to punish the Dursleys for what they had done, but that was all in a days work for the Gundam pilots.

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