A Story Told Speaks a Thousand Words

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When the door shut everyone looked at Wufei expectantly and Wufei sighed before saying, "well it started like this....."
Back to the story
"From what the kids have told me the younger two were with their abusive relatives for about five years until they were sold," Wufei's eyes turned dark right before he said this and the others in the room darkened as well, Lady Une was getting a bad feeling but let him continue. Wufei took a few moments to calm himself
then continued, "from what the twins have told me their parents were stealing from a child, and they left because of it. Then they found the other children in a hidden laboratory and then stayed together for about three months would be my guess." Before anyone could say anything he continued, "the kids have given me what they think to be their age but they really do not know Luna is about six, Harry is approximately seven, and the twins I would guess are about ten." Lady Une thought for a moment then said, "and we do not know who the twin's parents are?" "Now we can only assume that their parents are dead if they did not come up." Heero said speaking for the first time since they had been called to Lady Une's office. "We will have to assume that the younger two also do not have parents." Lady Une was interrupted by Wufei saying, "about that their parents died in a car crash, so we don't have to worry about that." "Now on to other business Trowa, Duo I am allowing you two months off from active duty, if you need more we can negotiate after." Lady Une said looking at the two who had been deathly quite since their siblings had come in. "Now let us go introduce you to your siblings shall we," said Une as she got up to leave with the gundam pilots right behind her.
In the medical wing
The twins were standing guard over the sleeping Harry and Luna when the group came in. The pilots could feel the calculative gaze coming from the twins. The twins went to wake Harry and Luna who did not want to wake up. After having five doses of vaccines they had not wanted to get up, but who could blame them? The pilots could not help feeling proud of the two because they were taking care of the other two before themselves. Wufei approached slowly as to not  frighten the younger two then he spoke, "it is time for introductions young ones. Would you like us to go first?" Harry looked at them then shook his head no and stood up to introduce himself, "my name is Harry." Next to him the only girl of the group stood and began her introduction, "my name is Luna." The others in the room had to strain their ears to hear Luna. The twins smirked and Wufei had a strange feeling his fellow pilots were going to get tricked. "My name is George and that is my brother Fred." Wufei was waiting for Harry to yell at them and sure enough "Fred, George how many times do I half to tell you to not introduce yourselves as each other? Sorry for them the one on the left is Fred and the other is George." Wufei's fellow pilots looked stunned Duo however was enjoying it to much to really care.
"Well I guess it's our turn well I'm Wufei." Said Wufei, the next to introduce was Heero, then Quatre. The last two were assumed by Harry to be their brothers. "My name is Trowa and I am Harry and Luna's brother hope to get to know you better." "The name is Duo, I may run and hide but I never tell a lie." Harry was very happy that the twins had a brother to go to. "Now gentle mean if you will forgive me I have paperwork to do I leave you to it." Quatre approached them and said, "would you like to go to your new house now? We all live together so their should be no problem." The pilots were starting to see patterns in the children's behavior, little things like how they would always look to Harry for guidance or the slight shift of their gazes to escape roots and others. It was starting to paint a picture the pilots didn't like one bit, but they couldn't discuss it here it would have to wait. Harry said, "yes let us all go home and settle" as he slowly started walking towards the door as the pilots led the way. Harry couldn't help wondering what this new life would hold for him, but he guessed he would just have to wait and see.

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