A Month Has Passed

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It was time for the Gundam pilots to go back to work and the "children" didn't want them too. In general everyone got along great in that one month. For example the Twins and Duo pulled pranks on everyone at least once. Which ended with Harry humiliating them and them in turn deciding as one that pranking Harry was a terrible idea. Heero and Harry had got into a rather somber conversation about both being made into weapons for one purpose or another. While Luna and Quatre bonded over their somewhat kind nature, and Luna and Trowa bonded over their love for animals. Harry and Wufei bonded over well actually the others were unsure what they had bonded over.
The twins were looking for Harry since it was lunch time only to find they could not find him. They had asked Luna and she who was with Trowa and Quatre at the time had not seen him. This led them to asking Heero for help seeing as he was the best with computers and had security cameras setup, and they found he was with Wufei. Wufei and Harry were the most unlikely of friends or so it seemed to the others, but for them they had many things that the others just couldn't relate too. The others would find out eventually but Harry and Wufei weren't going to go out of their way to tell them.
Flashback End
Now everyone wasn't surprised when Harry and Duo became fast friends because of their backgrounds you know both being orphans and having hard lives. Those two according to everyone else also had secrets they only told each other, the problem was that the Gundam pilots didn't keep secrets from each other. So one can imagine what kind of conversations they had during their private meetings, but everyone had secrets so they didn't care much. Besides they knew that the truth would come out eventually because one way or another it always did, and normally when it was most important.
The Gundam pilots would have been content to stay with the children, but they felt they owed Lady Uni for helping them discover that they had siblings in the first place. Now they could go after the people who harmed them starting with Harry's relatives, and Wufei had a feeling that Harry would need to see a therapist after this was over. Not that he really needed it but they all had problems that could be easily fixed with Therapy, an example being Harry's reflex to throw his daggers at people when they entered the room. Their was also the way Luna seemed to space out and have minor panic attacks and the twins even though they hid it well seemed to have come from a family situation where they were ignored. Getting back on the subject of Harry it was Quatre who said without a doubt that Harry needed therapy of some kind.

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