A New Home and Nightmares not far Behind

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At Quatre's Manner
The children were amazed they had never seen something so big. Trowa walked up to them and said, "stay close you could get lost" and so they did. The pilots had setup the rooms to be right next to each other, the twins were in the same room but their room was joined with both Harry's and Luna's. It was not very late, but the younger two fell asleep pretty quickly. The twins chuckled then woke them so they could take showers and change into pajamas then they went back to sleep. The twins were just getting into bed when they heard a noise coming from Harry's room they had kept the doors open in case the younger ones needed something. Fred went to investigate and found Harry thrashing in the bed obviously having a nightmare so Fred went to him and woke him gently. He had not expected Harry to jump at him and cling for dear life but he took it in stride and just held Harry even as he felt the tears. Fred stayed like that until the other fell asleep then tucked him back in with the stuffed animal whispering good night. George was not in bed so Fred assumed Luna had woken up as well. When his twin came back they went to sleep completely unaware of the video camera watching them.
Duo had not known what to think of his twin younger brothers but he couldn't have been more proud of the way they had handled the situation with the younger two. He had been expecting them to all collapse from exhaustion but they had made sure the younger ones were OK before going to bed. Trowa came in to see Duo smiling and had to ask why, Duo looked at him then said, "my brothers did a good job caring for your siblings." and Trowa understood immediately. They left to meet the other pilots, when they got there they were the last to have arrived. Heero started and said, "I'm sure you have noticed but they seem to think of Harry as their leader and also the way they scan for threats and ways to escape." Quatre spoke next and said, "they hide their emotions well, I had a hard time feeling their emotions." Duo interrupted and said, "it is normal for children who grew up like they did to be like that." Quatre looked at Duo and said, "if that is the case then why can I feel your emotions?" Duo only looked away and said, "that depends on what you call emotions after all I had to learn how to show emotions. I was even worse then Heero and Trowa when I first started." Quatre was speechless actually everyone was Duo could see where this was going so he said, "at least I'm better now right?" Trowa looked at Wufei and said, "you saw them before us what were they like?" Wufei thought for a moment then said, "they were like children unguarded until they were around people. They also have some very unique pets." As he said this he looked at Trowa then continued with, "they are great with animals." Heero spoke next, "is that all we have found so far?" Trowa spoke, "they keep their secrets well, and they aren't even trying to hide them." "Well, we will just have to wait and see,"said Heero.

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