Asking Can't Hurt Can It?

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Harry had know for quite a while that something had been going on between the Gundam pilots. He just had no idea what it was, they had come home late yesterday and today they were home early. In his mind the alarm bells had already been going off and in his mind he kept thinking what the hell is going on? The twins seemed to have noticed it to if only because back home they were used to trying to get information from their family who were backstabbers. The old fool had them made sure they were firmly his pocket, well except for a few of them the twins were included in that small group of exceptions.
Harry snapped back to reality when he heard a knock at his bedroom door and told whoever it was to come in. He had thought it would be just one of the Gundam pilots but instead it was all five of them. They seemed to be nerves about something and Harry couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
Quatre was the one to start speaking and he said, "Harry somehow the Dursleys ended up being sent here with you guys. We would like to ask if you would let us put them on trial and use your testimony to put them in jail." Harry looked indifferent but on the inside he was on the verge of a mental breakdown, but he turned to face them while saying, "it is for the best." Then they left and unlike popular opinion Harry did notice something was happening it felt like two things were merging together.

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