Answers But What Kind?

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Quatre approached the pensive with caution and touched the surface and felt like he was being pulled into it. When he got his bearings he looked up to see a seventeen year old version of Harry. Quatre was about to ask where they were when the older Harry said, "do not worry too much as there is no need to. I was put in here to help you look through my memories." Quatre looked around and said, "where will the memories start?" Instead of answering Harry flicked a piece of wood and the once white background became a scene.
Quatre couldn't really see anything, but then it started. Lily take the children and run he's hear! Came a voice from nowhere in particular. Then a female voice said, "take me instead, not the children. Dumbledore what are you doing here help me defeat Voldemort." An older voice spoke, "I'm sorry my child but this is for the greater good." Then a scream was heard and the words AVADA KEDAVRA were spoken and then there was a thud and silence rained. Seconds later the words were spoken one more time and another scream was heard.
The scene was paused and Quatre couldn't help but ask, "what happened?" Harry turned to him and said, "that is how my parents really died. It is also the night the. Old man betrayed us. My sister was taken to the Lovegood family, where she was to grow up loved she was six months old at the time so she does not remember. I on the other hand did remember so I never really trusted the old man. I pretended to though," he said as an afterthought​. "My brother though was a nuisance to Dumbledore and he was sent here so Dumbledore wouldn't have to deal with him." Harry said. Harry turned around and said, "well let us continue."
They quickly went through the first ten years of Harry's life and then they arrived at Harry's eleventh birthday. By this time Quatre wanted to murder the Dursely family and he made plans to do so.  Quater turned to Harry and said, "is this the worst or is there more?" Quater turned away from Harry to hide the tears. Harry looked Quatre's way and said, "unfortunately it only gets worse from here." So Quatre prepared himself for what was to come.

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