Fortune's New Prophecy

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Fate was on her way to see her best friend but she knew the reason she had been called was for a note prophecy. She arrived at the house to see her friend sitting on the swing near the house looking to be in deep thought. Fortune looked up and said, "it has been a long time right Karma? I wish we were meeting on better terms. I think you already know but I have a new prophecy for my children and they probably won't like it." Karma looked at her friend and said nothing as she always did when being given a new prophecy for the children she had begun to think of as her own. Fortune said, "well my old friend listen for I will only say it once.

What once was lost is now found
Anyone's guess how long it will stay found
Taken by surprise for three world's collide
The hidden third world will reveal itself
Seek and destroy a new chapter arrives
The number seven was a soul crushing endeavor
Another meaning of seven will soon be realized
A loss of something special leads to family yet seen

Karma had taken in all the facts and now knew that the next great adventure was about to begin for Fortune's wayward children. So Karma or Fate as most knew her sent her friends prophecy to someone she knew would help it along.
Luna was sitting in the living room watching her brother when she got the prophecy her eyes gained a far away look as she was given the prophecy. She grabbed some paper and began to write the prophecy down as she did this Harry came over to see what she was writing. Luna gave him the paper as he read it allowed just as the others came into the room to check on them.
"What once was lost is now found... Anyone's guess how long it will stay found... Taken by surprise for three world's collide... The hidden third world will reveal itself... Seek and destroy a new chapter arrives... The number seven was a soul crushing endeavor... Another meaning of seven will soon be realized... A loss of something special leads to family yet seen" Harry looked up from the paper and said, "well it would seem Fate has another prophecy for me. Wonderful just bloody brilliant this development is isn't it? Luna do you know what it means?" Luna looked at him in amusement as he began his tantrum before snapping out of it. She looked at him as he continued to pace and watched as he went to far and went face first into the wall as she started laughing. Then they both turned to the sound of laughing from the door as Duo said, "you may want to watch where your going Harry we can't save you from the wall all the time." As he helped Harry off the floor as the others settled into various places around the room. Luna finally able to talk again after her laughing fit said, "Harry you know I can't tell you everything the prophecy says for if I did I would lose the seer abilities I was given." Harry sighed and said, "well can you at least point us in the right direction? I assume it is about us is it not?" Luna nodded indicating that the prophecy was about them as she said, "our world was not the only world merged in this new world they use flames instead of magic. The flames are separated into seven categories and this is all I can tell you at this point and time. For Fate wants you to figure out what the categories are, also you already know what the other seven in the prophecy represents for you carry one of them and you have killed one of them in your second year." The realization was clear on Harry's face as he said, "the diary that is one of the seven and I am one of the things so I have to figure out how to remove it. Well I got my work cut out of me, anything else Luna?" Luna thought for a moment before shaking her head. The twins and the Gundam pilots looked very lost at the moment  and Harry and Luna had to laugh at the faces they were making for one did not see the twins and the uptight Gundam pilots with confusion written on their faces.
Fate and Fortune sat on the swing as Fortune said, "my friend I feel that we have doomed the world to complete and utter chaos." As she laughed good naturedly while Fate said, "it is nothing more than they deserve for what they did. They deserve everything that comes to them and more." Fortune looks at her friend with sadness as she says, "Karma you must let it go it has been over a billion centuries since those muggles hurt us." Karma gets up and says, "you want me to let it go, well I would if the scars of what they did weren't a constant reminder of what they did. In fact their is one wound that has yet to heal I erased your memory of it long ago. You don't remember but it is as fresh as the day I got it over a billion centuries ago, in fact I remember the day I got it the day we died. Well I should say the day I died for you because we only had each other and what did you do to repay me you hid until the day you died of old age, you selfish old fool." Karma took off her beautiful white and blue dress as she unwrapped the bandage around her midsection to reveal a wound that looked to be a stab wound that was still bleeding as if it had just happened. Karma looked her friend in the eyes and said, "is this what letting go is Fortune? Do you want me to forgive the person responsible for this wound or my friend who used my death as a perfect distraction to flee like the cockroach she is or was." Fate left after rewrapping her wound and didn't look back for she knew she would do something stupid if she stayed. She ignored the calls from behind her as she began to head towards the fountain that showed Fates children and began to watch again as the children started their new journey.

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