Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle

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At the Hospital
Now it could be said that Fred and George were not nervous people but for some reason this situation made them nervous. Harry and Luna had just had their blood taken and had an examination and from the doctor RubyStar's reaction it was not good. What they had not expected was when she asked them to come next for their examination and to get blood drawn. When they were done the officers showed them to their room for the night and as soon as they got into bed they all fell asleep. Meanwhile doctor RubyStar was looking over their file when she heard the beeping of the FRA machine and it had found at least one hit for all four of the children. When she checked the results two of the files were classified but the other was for a family called the Dursleys. Well she decided she would handle the classified ones and sent a medical report attached to the FRA results in an email to the Preventers commander.
Preventers Headquarters
Now it could be said that Lady Une was having a great day it was early morning and she did not have to deal with her officers yet. A notification for an FRA report had her full attention, and she noticed the file was a little big for just an FRA report so it stood to reason that something else had happened. Une looked at the attached file and saw her worst nightmare a case of abuse that had been going on for what looked like as long as they had been alive and by two separate families. She was so into her examination of the files she had almost forgotten to look at the ID numbers for the two officers that were related to the children, and of all the ID'S she had thought she would find the two she found were not one of them. She could already tell this was going to be bad like the world ending bad if she did not handle this a certain way. Then she noticed that for the two younger there was another note for being related to people called the Dursleys and their was no doubt in her mind that they were probably the ones responsible for the abuse almost border line torture the kids had been through. Well at least she had people to blame it on because as soon as they found out their was no going back. But she wanted to make sure that the results were correct and so she got on her office phone and called for Sally Po and Chang Wufei to her office.
Back with Harry and company
Fred and George had just woken up they asked the officers if they could have food for the children never asking for themselves the Agent called Song went to get them food. While she did that Fred went to wake Luna and Harry they had decided that Harry would talk for the two of them. The twins had no reason to go on their story because they had one of their own to tell. They all promised each other that they would be their for each other though when the other told their story. But for now they went outside to eat and play with their companions when they got outside Hedwig, Sky, and the squirrels Fern and Mars were already there and so they played they did not notice that Agent Po and Chang had just arrived.

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