We All Have Our Problems

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Harry had just woken up to find that the twins were not there and Luna was still sleeping so he walked carefully to the twins room to see them cuddling with Duo and Quatre. Harry did not want to wake them so he left the room and went to make breakfast as he usually did. Harry knew the questions would come but he wanted to prolong the inevitable.
Trowa walked into the the kitchen feeling drained for lack of better word to see his brother cooking. Trowa couldn't help but smile because he knew that everyone would be able to help each other.
Wufei was connecting what he had seen in the memories to behaviors the children had displayed at any given time while he had been with them. He could now see the signs for what they were and it kind of made sense now. Then his thoughts turned to others who acted with those same behaviors, but Wufei could admit that Duo and Heero hid it well enough. Then Wufei had  to admit he had been taught to look for those behaviors. The circumstances may have been different but the behaviors ingrained were the same. Wufei could admit that they had also had terrible childhoods but put side by side it wasn't even a contest who had the worst childhood. Wufei would now make it a point to watch for these signs and save other children from that fate.
Duo had been meaning to ask the children what their lives were like. After all he had seen the signs the moment they had been brought in to be introduced. Then there had been when Wufei had threatened them if they sent them to their relatives. Duo could remember when the real need to guard his food had occurred. Now he wasn't as bad but every once in a while he would slip into the old habit. The other pilots had not asked and for that he had been grateful, but now they would put the pieces together and see where that habit had come from.
Heero could remember almost to well the time when he had been trained to be the perfect soldier. He had tried to forget but the memories had surfaced when he had watched Harry be turned into the weapon he had once been. Harry had been strong and Heero was not sure how he had been able to hold onto his emotions but he couldn't be prouder of him for it. Heero had also seen that Wufei and Harry had something in common, and that was that they had pride in their own ideas. Heero new all to well that pride could get you killed which was just another thing they would have to work on.
Luna had seen many futures and had wanted to make the best possible future come true. Luna new that her brother Harry would begin to heal the Gundam pilots and they would do the same for the rest of them. Now however they would need to take one step at a time. Luna however knew that it would not be easy, but in the end the reward would be worth it.
The twins sat on their bed thinking about what had just happened. They had woken up to Duo and Quatre comforting them after having a bad dream. It had been weird as no one had done that for them before. They wondered how long it would last they hoped it lasted forever.
Quatre could feel everyone's emotions and hoped that everything would work out in the end. Even if it took a while they would prevail as they always did.
Everyone was deep in thought and did not notice the clouds forming. Someone was making plans and they were good for no one especially not Fates wayward children, but only time would tell.

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