TRAINING!? A Fight to Remember

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Harry was warming up as Fred and George entered and Harry did not waste any time and charged them. Fred expecting it and raised his sword while separating it into its double form. George who was already moving after the first attack had come up behind Harry with his staff. Harry being very quick pulled out his second dagger which was slightly bigger and blocked. Harry was very annoyed so he pushed the twins back while putting one of his daggers away and brought out his wand. The first spell cast caused the other two to also pull their wands out and a flurry of spells were thrown as well as weapon combos. George was using his staff to hit Harry in his arms or legs while Fred was weaving in between the two using his sword where he could. Fred focused more on spells than his weapon though protecting George and himself from Harry's spells. At this point the others had arrived to watch and Luna was using her wand to deflect spells that came their way.
Harry smirked and put away all of his weapons which caused the others to do so as well. Harry and the twins walked towards each other before Harry ran at them using their momentum against them and pushed them back while landing a kick. He then fell into stance and waited for his next opportunity to land a hit. Luna was very proud of her brother considering what had happened so far. Wufei could tell that most of the things Harry used were survival instincts from his child hood. Heero could tell that Harry was made to be a perfect soldier, but unlike himself the programming was probably to far ingrained. This ment that his life would be over Shadowed with danger and death. Trowa did not know what to think about his baby brother having such strong survival instincts. It was not that much unlike his own experience when he thought of how they were raised. Duo had taken one look at Harry and instantly thought street kid, he knew better than anyone what it was like to live on the streets. He had also not missed the way Harry guarded his food which was another thing ingrained into street kids from a young age. Quatre was feeling a wide range of emotions and he understood most of the feeling but, the ones coming from Harry felt blurred or distorted for he could not quite tell what he was feeling right now. Quatre had only felt this kind of thing from people who locked away certain emotions because ether it was for the best so they could survive or they just thought those emotions unnecessary. Quatre had a feeling it was the first idea that was probably the most likely cause which given Harry's past would not have been very surprising.
Many hours later the training session ended with Harry knocked out near the wall, the twins were not much better for they were in actual wholes in the wall barely holding on to consciousness, and Luna was doing pretty good she was in the corner shaking her head clearly juging her brothers very harshly. The Gundam pilots were standing there staring at the room that had once been all around in good shape was now destroyed almost beyond repair. Then Duo said, "that went well." Causing the others to look at him as if he was crazy. Luna chimed in and said, "true it could have been much worse. I remember this one time when they were training and Harry blew up our former headmaster's office." As she started to chuckle and said, "that was a good day even better the headmasters was in the room. Anyway we should get them back to their rooms it is getting late."

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