The Discovery

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Harry walked to the main desk and asked,"may I speak with my accountant manager Griphook please." The goblin looked at him and said,"of course Lord Potter we have been expecting you right this way." When they got there the door opened and Griphook appeared and said,"Lord Potter I have been expecting you. After Gringott's did not receive letters from you we decided to send one of our personal owls to go find you." Harry looked confused for a moment then said,"I have never received letters from you." Griphook looked at him for a moment than asked,"you mean you have never received our reports on your account?" Harry replied with a nod. Griphook said," than let me get your account information and we will go over it, also I would like to do a inheritance test to make sure of something." Harry was waiting for Griphook to get back with the inheritance test and other things he would need. Griphook came back and asked Harry to use the Ritual Knife and drop three drops on the paper. Harry did as he was told, but nothing happened Griphook looked at the paper and said that the only way nothing would show for an inheritance test is if their were blocks on his magic. Griphook told him he would get another parchment for a Magic Test, and he was left to think about what had just been revealed in just this one visit to Gringotts. He could only think about the one possible person who could have put those blocks on him and that person was Dumbledore.
A few minutes later Griphook came back with another piece of paper and Ritual Knife, and asked him to do the same thing as with the other parchment. So it came to be Harry was cutting his finger again and dropping three drops of blood on the parchment. The results had Harry questioning why he had ever trusted Dumbledore.
Magic Test
Name: Hadrian (Harry) James Potter
Magic Blocks
Familiar Bonds (Dumbledore)
Control Elements (Dumbledore)
Magical Core 90% block 10% active (Dumbledore)
Animal Speaking- Parselmouth only (Dumbledore)
Advanced Healing (Dumbledore)
Photographic Memory (Dumbledore)
Horcrux: Tom Riddle in scar
Marriage contract: Ginny Weasley approved by Dumbledore
Love potion: Ginny Weasley
Griphook and Harry looked at each other after reading the Magic Test needless to say Harry was not happy that his magic had been blocked. Griphook on the other hand was trying to keep Harry from leaving the room. Now Lord Potter I know you are angry, but perhaps before going for revenge you might want to get the blocks removed. Harry stopped to think for a moment, before answering,"yes I would like that." That is how Harry found himself in a ritual room lying on a stone with runes carved into it. Now Lord Potter once the blocks are removed you will fall unconscious so your magic can heal your body. Now I don't know how long it will take for your magic to correct some of the damage, but when you wake up you will feel different. (Note I am skipping the ritual so use your imagination to come up with what happened.)
When Harry next woke he was in pain groaning he got up but only succeed in ending up collapsed on the floor. He heard a chuckle from near the door when he looked up and saw Griphook walking towards him, finally he asked,"how long have I been asleep?" Griphook looked at him for a moment then said,"week and a half." Before Harry could respond Griphook continued also we found a potion that could not be removed by the ritual and if it is the potion I think it is then someone is going to pay dearly for it. Needless to say Harry was very confused about this revelation, so he decided to ask,"so what does that mean for me?" Griphook looked at him for a moment before saying,"Lord Potter what you look like right now may not be what you should have originally looked like."Harry looked at Griphook before asking for a mirror which suddenly appeared out of thin air. Harry found that he was looked very different his hair was now down to his knees and had multiple different streaks of color , while he had grown almost seven inches putting him at the lovely hight of five foot six inches. Griphook cleared his throat and when Harry looked at him he said,"Now that the magical blocks have been removed we can move on with the inheritance test would you like to proceed with the test?"

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