Wonder How to Tell Them?

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Harry had a lot to think about in the next coming weeks as he and the healers tried to get his magic under control. One of the many things that crossed his mind was how to tell Luna Lovegood that she was adopted and the sister of the-boy-who-lived. Well things can't get much worse than that can it but then again it was Harry so who really knew what would happen. That was until Griphook came in and decided to give him more bad news. "Lord Potter I have just discovered that the owner's of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes may be under spells as well, but the reason is unknown." Harry just sighed before saying,"call a summons for Fred and George Weasley as well as Luna Lovegood." Four hour's later Fred, George, and Luna were all in a private waiting room waiting for Harry. They were shocked when he came in, the first to speak was Luna and all she said was, "I see you have found out about the blocks on your magic." Fred and George looked between the two before Fred said, " well would you look at that Gred ickle Harrykins has finally found out about Dumbledore's manipulation George jumped in while saying, " indeed Forge." Harry looked at them and was about to get extremely angry, but before he could Fred continued by saying, "I know what you want to say Harry but the only reason we didn't tell you sooner is Dumbledore cast a spell on us so we could not talk about it with anyone who did not know already."
At these words Harry's anger receded then Luna interrupted his train of thought when she throw herself at him. Harry was confused for a moment before Luna said while her voice cracked, "I have known for a while that you are my brother but without evidence no one would have believed me." Harry looked up and saw that she was crying before he continued to huge her while Fred and George smiled at the family reunion. It did not last for long though as Griphook came in, Harry was quick to get up and ask him what was wrong? Griphook said, "I apologize for interrupting but when they came in our alarm went off that signaled the people inside had blocks placed on their person." Harry was not happy to hear about this but what could you do about these thing well at least Harry was here to help this time. The question was did the people concerned want the blocks removed well all in a days work for our hero Harry all that was left to do was ask.

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