The Question and The Pensive

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Harry know  that one of his brothers friends wants to ask him a question, but he also know it would be one he would probably not want to answer. He had tried very hard to forget his past, but he knew as well as anyone that your past always came back in one way or another. It seemed his luck had just run out and he wasn't sure it was good that it had. It had been about a week since the incident in the kitchen and Quatre had been trying to get Harry alone since then. Quatre was going to the library to get his mind off Trowa's little brother Harry. When Quatre got there he saw Harry and stood there for a good two minutes then stepped into the room.
Harry felt the eyes on him, he could tell the person was surprised to see him. Harry turned around and said, "I figured it was time to let you ask your question." Quatre was startled into the realization that Harry had known he wanted to talk to him. Quatre sat in the chair across from Harry and gathered his thoughts as he was unprepared to find Harry here. Quatre opened his eyes and said, "Harry after you throw the knife I could not feel your emotions. Why could I not feel your emotions?" Harry took a deep breath then said, "the reason you could not feel my emotions is because I hid them away. My emotions overwhelm me at times so I keep them in a box in mind. The look on your face says you do not understand so I am going to do something I really shouldn't. The fact of the matter is that I think you will know what to do with the information I'm about to show you." As he said this he summoned a pensive to him and put his memories into it. By this point Quatre had stood up when the object had appeared and was looking suspiciously at the object. Harry turned around and said, "this is called a pensive and its purpose is to show people someone else's memories. Before you ask all the memories you will see are true and they explain how we got here and what happened to me. It will also answer why my emotions are kept on a tight leash." As he said this he turned around and walked out the room. Quatre may have been suspicious of the thing but he knew it was the only way he was going to get his answers. The question was were these answers worth what he may find in it?

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