A Punishment to Fit The Crime?

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The Dursleys were staying in a holding cell until they could be questioned. And it had been about a full day since they had been thrown in there. Now one might ask why the Gundam pilots had not taken matters into their own hands well that would be because Lady Une was keeping them busy at the moment. However even she knew it would be only a matter of time before the Gundam pilots snapped and took matters into their own hands. Before that could happen though the daily news paper arrived and well let us say that the Dusleys were on the front page, now normally Lady Une would be displeased with this kind of development , but then she thought of what she had heard about the Dusleys from the Gundam pilots. She found this was a development she did not mind as the Dusleys like to be considered normal, but here on the front page was proof that they were anything but normal. Then she had a thought what if the Dursleys were put on trial and it was made public, that would surely ruin their normal reputation wouldn't it? Lady Une began to plot and plan before she did the inevitable and called the Gundam pilots.
The Gundam pilots were in their shared office and to say they were pissed off would be the biggest understatement of the Millenia. That however stopped as soon as they heard the phone ring and it could only be for one thing, they were so frozen that the call ended up going to voice mail and a voice that they knew almost as well as their own and each other's said, "I know your their get down hear now I have things to discuss with you, that is an order." Then the voice mail ended and they were up and out of the room in record time, which was also accompanied by the record of fastest time taken to get to Lady Une's office. Which is funny because when they entered the room she said, "took you long enough. Now have a seat I have something to discuss with you." When they were in their seats Une began speaking with, "now I want you thoughts on what I have come up with for the Dursleys case. Now my thought is to have a public trial for them so when everything is said and done their normal image will be destroyed. What do you think?" For a moment their was nothing said as the pilots thought over what Lady Une had said. Then Wufeu spoke and said, "it is a great idea but we would need to ask the children if they wanted to go through that." The others nodded and Lady Une said, "well then I want you to go home and ask them for now you are dismissed." The Gundam pilots left to go home and began to wonder how this would go over with Harry and Luna.

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