An Eventful Morning

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The next morning the pilots were up at their usual time which was about six to see the children already up and in the kitchen doing various things. What really surprised them is that they were up earlier then them. Wufei entered first and announced his presence, but they were all surprised when they seen a dagger thrown right next to the door. They seen it was Harry who throw it and he looked like he was in a trance. Fred went over to Harry and walked in front of him knocking him out of his trance. Harry looked around then saw his dagger in the wall and went to go get it. Harry returned to what looked like Pancake mix not even looking back. Luna was in a chair on the opposite side of where Harry was working and eating the pancakes.
Duo was the first to recover and said, "pancakes, pancakes everyone loves pancakes." As he took a plate with pancakes on it to his normal seat and put an arm around the food. Trowa did not know what to think about his younger brother knowing how to cook and the way he mechanically moved as if he was forcing himself to keep going. Quatre was feeling many things with his space heart most were curious. One however was not feeling anything at all and that happened to be Harry. Quatre would have confronted him about it but there were too many people to do that so he made a mental note to ask Harry later. After that event they moved into their usual routines well as usual as things could get considering. The funniest thing in their opinion is that even though they were all in the same house they all tried and succeed in hiding from each other. In the younger children's case they were playing hide and seek and the Gundam pilots were attempting to help the twins find Harry and Luna. Then they went to eat lunch and found Harry again cooking this time it looked to be mashed potatoes and gravy with a side of ham.
Harry had many things he enjoyed most were trivial for example he liked drawing, along with that painting and cooking. In his opinion it was an eventful day we'll so far anyway, he also couldn't help but laugh  watching the pilots try to find him and Luna. It wouldn't last forever though he knew after all nothing lasted forever he sighed and got ready for bed, he hoped the nightmares wouldn't come tonight. Fred had come in to tuck him into bed and how much he had missed being stuck at the Dursley's, it mad him want to cry again. Fred must have seen it in his face because he sighed and hugged him tighter and said, "I know you have missed much but we will make it up to you and show you what you missed. After all what are brothers for if not for these times, now to bed with you." Fred left the room when Harry was tucked into bed with the stuffed animal.
Fred went into their shared room with his twin and said, "He will get better right George, or has the damage gone to far?" George looked at his twin then said, "only time will tell Fred, only time." The last part was said even quieter just above a whisper really, but Fred heard it with that said they went to bed. The last thing Fred said was, "and may tomorrow be a better day."

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