The Pieces of the Puzzle Come Together

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Still with Harry and company
Agent Po walked to doctor RubyStar who looked to have pulled an all-nighter, "hello I am Agent Po and I am here to do the retest for your recent FRA scan." Realization dawned on the doctors face she said, "oh of course right this way" Sally looked at Wufei and said, "you go interview the children Une said it may be a extreme case of abuse for all the children." Wufei nodded and went off to find the children and found them outside playing with animals that Wufei was sure did not belong to the hospital. Wufei approached slowly to let the children know he was there and the he said, "I am Agent Wufei I am here to ask you some questions or if you want you can just tell the story." One of the younger ones spoke, "we will tell our story but you will get two separate stories because their are two stories to tell, but rest assured nether story is pretty." So Wufei asked for their names and how old they were and also asked who belonged to what story. Harry started first, "I am Harry and I think I'm seven" the only girl in the group said, "my name is Luna and I think I am six." Then Wufei, Luna, and Harry turned to the twins Fred started first and said, "I'm George and he is Fred as he pointed to his brother," but before Wufei could accept the answers given Harry said, "no the one who introduced himself first is Fred the other is George." The twins said together, "aww Harrykins we wanted to have our fun with the new guy before telling him that we switched." Luna interrupted them by saying, "you had your fun when you convinced your family that you were the other now stop that." The twins said, "yes mother." While Wufei couldn't help but chuckle at their antics, he also got a major sense of deja vu. Then Harry started their story "when I was one and my sister was about four months old our parents got into a car accident and we were sent to live with our relatives the Dursleys but they did not treat us how family should we were basically their slaves. Now as we got older the punishments and other things got worse, at the time we did not know what our names were. I took most of Luna's punishments and gave her a portion of my food, but then everything changed." Harry's face darkened as he said this. Wufei couldn't help the bad feeling that ran through him at that expression, he also noticed the twins seemed to shift as if they knew this part of the story and Luna moved closer to Harry as a show of comfort. Harry continued, " then our uncle decided he wanted to sell us for extra money" before he could continue the twins interrupted, "Harry it's over now don't let the anger take you over, you have made a great recovery from that time and we don't want you to go back to it ok?" Harry looked at them and nodded before looking away which caused the twins to sigh. They looked at Wufei and said, "well that is all your getting out of him for the moment , so let us tell you our story. Our story is not exactly like their's we lived in a family of eight children and unlike the rest of them we were misunderstood by our parents and siblings. Not to say that one point we didn't love them because at one time we did, but then we discovered they had been stealing from a child. Unlike the rest of the family we did not like what they were doing so we ran away, and then we came across a hidden laboratory and we ran into Harry and Luna there. Now seven months later here we are with all the animals we have picked up along the way." It was at this point when Harry called Sam and Clair out of the woods and ran to them and ended up in what could only be considered a dog pile. Wufei was astonished at what he was seeing, but was inturruped by Sally rushing over to them with a five different papers in her hand.
Back with Sally for FRA results
Sally had just gotten the notification for the FRA and what she found had her debating weather to run to Wufei with the results or call Lady Une with the results. She finally decided to call Une to report. Une picked up on the first ring and said, "well I guess the results were finished." Sally said, "have you told them yet?" Une said, "no but I will be calling them to my office after this call." "Alright I will bring them to headquarters." Said Sally as she hung up the phone.
Back to Harry and company
Harry was curious when the other agent ran to the person named Wufei, but did not ask as he went back to petting Sam. Wufei was at his wits end trying not to show any emotion when he was handed to papers, the first two were ID'S he knew as well as his own. The other three papers had him wanting to go on a killing spree as their was the last name he never wanted to hear or see again the Dursleys. "Well lets start heading back I told Une we would bring them with us," said Sally. The children followed them and Harry secretly put the other animals back inside the Merlin vault necklace so they would not be left behind. So they were off to meet their brothers and live a new life.

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