Children or Adults? And Why Not Strange Happenings.

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True they were adults but they had never had a childhood so they would continue as they had. When they got back to work however they were going to hunt the Dursely's down and bring them to justice. For now however they were going to enjoy their time together.
The good times would have to wait however as Quatre had something to tell the other pilots and he wasn't sure how they would react. After getting the other pilots attention Quatre started to explain about how Harry's life was like before going to Hogwarts and needless to say they were angry. However something unexpected happened the glasses they had had brought in so they could drink had shattered. Not just shattered but really there was nothing left of the glass, it was almost as if the glass had disappeared and it would have been an acceptable theory but they had seen the glasses shatter into a million pieces. They some how knew that they had just done accidental magic as they were all having high emotions. Quatre left because of all the emotions he was feeling and headed to Harry's room where he found all the children asleep. Quatre did not have the heart to disturb them so he pulled the blankets over them and left them to sleep. Before he could leave however he heard crying coming from the direction he had just come from, so he turned around and saw that it was not one of the younger two but the twins. It was at this moment that Duo came in and saw the twins as well. After silently communicating for a moment they picked up the twins and took them to their own room and comforted them until they stopped crying. Duo and Quatre had planned to go back to their rooms but would never make it as the twins had grabbed hold of them and we're not letting go. Now yes they could have gotten out of their grip but they did not have the heart to so they stayed and fell asleep.
The three other pilots could be seen in the room that had the monitors for the children's room as they had not found Duo or Quatre in their sleeping quarters and they were all smiling. The thought going through their heads was that they were going to let the kids grow up as kids like they should have in their own world. So they went to bed that night with little worry of what would happen in the future, but of course Fate would probably have something in store for them but only time would tell.
In another universe
Fate was looking down at her wayward children and was happy with how it was going so far. She however frowned as she knew misfortune would fall upon them soon and it would not be her doing this time. She could only hope they were strong enough to get through it together this time.

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