What else could go Wrong?

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How is it we got lost in this room was the question on everyone's mind, but then they saw what they were looking for a door with music symbols on it. Fred was the first to enter and Nick was trying to drag him to one of the many musical instruments and to the others amusement he was succeeding. It did not last long though because only moments later they were also being pushed toward the instruments; though they took the hint from their respective companions and walked toward the instruments. Fred was looking at many unique ocarinas, George was looking at guitars, Luna was looking at flutes, and Harry was looking at violins. While everyone was looking Luna found the book she new she would find sooner or later the books title read "Lost Bonds and How to Find Them." Harry was busy looking at the violins it was not common knowledge, but Harry used to play the violin to get money for food when he was left alone by the Dursleys. Luna walked up to him while he was in thought and tugged on his shirt sleeve he looked at her and she held up the book. Harry looked it over it and said this will help us find our siblings it looks like we will need to perform a music ritual. So they went back to looking at the instruments Fred ended up with a midnight sky ocarina, George went with forest guitar, Luna had a dream flute, and Harry went with the animal violin. Luna carved a circle out of chalk while Harry and the others got the music ready. They stood in the middle and began to play their respective instruments and as the sound began to resonate a portal appeared and they watched as the events leading up to the gundam pilots winning the war unfolded and with a burst of magic they were knocked unconscious.
Else where in the universe
Well I think I will make it easier for them to settle once they get their. So the person gave the Gundam Wing univers the knowledge of magic and put a block on their minds so they would not ever think to use it against each other in a war.
Back in the Harry Potter univers
When they woke up Fred and George woke first and they went about waking Luna and Harry up. Luna woke next and as they went to wake Harry up, but Luna stopped them. Fred asked, "why" Luna said, "my brother has not been taking care of himself he needs the rest." "Besides he has been keeping up his glamor and has run out of magic well just about anyway it has started to fade as his magic has runs out." So that led to Harry being carried back to the magical creature room, where they discovered a section they had not yet explored. They placed Harry next to horses that looked to be twins and began to look around they each found a variety of horses Fred and George were the last to walk away from Harry when Harry's magic resonated with the horses he was laying against. Harry did not wake up but the horses did and stayed to keep their master company until he woke up. Harry was having a somewhat restful sleep but every once in a while he was plagued with nightmares the others had found their respective horses and came back to regroup. Harry was put on one of his horses once they got their permission and continued back through the music room to the next which only had Galleons in it.
Outside the vault  (Harry still asleep)
Griphook was still outside waiting for them which to them was odd because it felt like they had been gone for hours. Griphook saw the look on their face and said, "in the vault time is slowed outside so we don't have to wait for customers. Out here it has been about five minutes and may I ask what happened to Lord Potter?" Luna was the one to answer, "his glamor has fallen and he is magically exhausted." "I see that would explain it, would you like to go to the quarters we have set up for you?" Fred said, "that would be great." They arrived and walked in, the horses went to the barn area while Harry was placed on the bed and Fred wiped the tears off his face that had formed through the trip here, each could not help but see that when Harry was asleep he looked younger and more or less troubled than when he was awake. Sam and Clair were watching their human sleep on the bed but you could tell they wanted to comfort him, but couldn't so they settled for the next best thing they jumped up and went on either side of him. Harry unconsciously put his arms around Clair for the extra heat she produced. They moved to the living room where Fred started asking the important questions, "so how are we getting to this other universe?" Luna answered, "it is quite simple all we need are the right ritual circle to get us their and this book has it written down and how to create it." George was the next to speak, "that's fine and all, but what about Harry?" "We will let him rest while we start getting everything ready." Was Luna's reply. "He needs time to recover and I know for a fact he has not been sleeping well." "Great what else could possibly go wrong?" Asked George. "Well Dumbledore could find out before we are ready and stop us from going." Was Luna's reply. Fred and George looked at each other before jumping into action as Luna joined them. Really though what else could possibly go wrong? Or right depending how you see it as they left Harry to get some much needed sleep. Before they left they asked their respective companions to watch over Harry while they were gone.

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