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I don't need anything,

to get me through the night,

except the beat that's in my heart,

yeah its keeping me alive.

Christina's POV:

Four Years Later

It had been four long years since Scarlet was born, four years since my life changed forever.

Scarlet was absolutely the best thing I ever did with my life, she was my pride and joy. When she started to walk and talk and be such a smart and pretty little girl, I never knew a person could feel so proud. The little human I grew in my stomach was walking and talking and she was absolutely perfect. She had a head of black curls and bright blue eyes, my face on the nose. She was exactly like me too; snarky and sarcastic but she had Owen's compassion and kindness, which was hands down a good thing.

Everyone else's kids were growing fast, just like Scarlet. Sofia was a proud older sister to Arizona and Callie's little one, Timothy, and Mark and Lexie's two sons, Joey and Chase. Joey came two years after Evie, and Chase came a year after that. Lexie swore up and down she wasn't having another baby, and after seeing her try to wrangle three little ones, we all believed her.

Mark was still holding out for one more.

Meredith had her second baby a few months after Timothy was born; she named him Bailey after Dr. Bailey. And of course, following Bailey, was baby number three, little Ellis. Meredith had her hands full to the max, but unlike her sister, wasn't set on leaving it at three. She always told me a surprise wouldn't be the worst thing, but a fourth wouldn't be planned.

Jo, who was big and pregnant at her wedding to Alex, was now a proud Mama to only child Riley, who was now three years old. Riley completely adored Alex (we all had no clue why) but she thought he was the best thing in the whole world. Owen was still waiting for Scarlet to adore him as much as Riley adored Alex (unlikely to happen since she was my girl).

Lastly, we have April and Jackson.

April and Jackson had three boys, after a pregnancy where their first son passed away, they had two more happy and healthy little boys who they loved with all of their heart. Connor was two, and Toby was six months old.

And while the kids were amazing, my career was also amazing.

I had won my very first Harper Avery award for my outstanding work with human hearts. I was overjoyed, and so so proud to come that far with my work.

I had a gorgeous little girl, and an amazing career. Things were working out for me, I should be happy as ever, right?


Owen, my partner in life and father of my child, was being an ass. I divided my time equally between Scarlet and work, I was barely ever home at the same time as him the months leading up to my Harper Avery, which meant I saw him in between surgeries mostly, or late at night after getting off work after a long day.

Naturally, Owen didn't appreciate this too much and started to get angry, which lead to fights that went something like this:

"Christina, you're never home!"

"I am home, just not when you are"

"I never see you!"

"I don't have the time, Owen! I'm either working or with my child!"

"You could take a day off once in a while!"

"I do! Scarlet had a dance recital I went to!"

"I meant to spend a day with me!"

"So you're suggesting I skip out on my kid on a rare day off to spend it in bed with you?"

"Christina, that's not what I said"

"Are you jealous of her or something? She's a kid; she needs my attention more than you"

"That isn't what I said and you know it!"

"Well it sounds like you want all my free time focused on you"

"If you managed your time better, you could actually spend time with me instead of texting me or seeing me in between surgeries!"

"Owen, I don't make my work schedule I can't control who's going to need my help"

"Well maybe you shouldn't be at work so much!"

"After I had Scarlet wasn't it you who said you'd help me with her so I could focus on my career?"

"And I have been helping, but maybe I'm tired of never getting to see you!"

"Whatever, Owen. I'm going to bed"

Sometimes the arguments would drone on and on for hours, other times they would be short and snippy. Things didn't get near this bad until Scarlet turned three years old; from there out I was working more which aggravated Owen.

I loved him, and I wanted to make it work the best I knew how. But my daughter came first, and he just didn't seem to understand that I was going to spend all the time I could with her regardless of him.

I didn't know what to do; I was miserable with Owen. At work, with Scarlet, I was happy as ever and completely in love with my life. But the second I got home, the second I had a conversation with Owen, I was miserable; it was like he went out of his way to make me miserable.

I loved him more than anything, I really did. But sometimes, late at night when he was sleeping on the couch or I was finishing up some housework that seemed to never end, I thought about just how much happier I'd be if I wasn't mentally worn down every damn night from screaming matches with Owen while our daughter played quietly in her room.

And I knew for a fact all this fighting we did wasn't good for Scarlet.

She never said a word about it; whether she didn't take notice of the icy glares or the lack of communication between Owen and I or she just chose to ignore it, I won't ever know.

I do know that I wanted more for her than this. She deserved two happy and loving parents who didn't scream themselves hoarse every night.

Like most people in situations like mine, I didn't know what to do.

Well, that's wrong; I knew exactly what I should do, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

A/N- So here is the very first chapter of the sequel to People plan, life happens! I hope you all enjoyed in and i promise it will get so much more dramatic in the chapters to come!!

Thanks for reading!!

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