Chapter sixteen:

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If we go down,
Then we go down,

Christina's POV:

16 weeks, 6 days pregnant.

"Still no kicks?" Meredith asked me as we ate lunch a few days later. I was starting to show a little, obviously not through my scrubs, but if I wore a normal tank top you could see a baby bump. It looked like I'd be showing faster with twins than I did with Scarlet.

"Scarlet was eighteen weeks in there before she decided to kick me; I'm not concerned that double trouble isn't kicking my spine out yet. In fact, I'm savouring the moments I have left as a free woman" so far, this pregnancy was easier than my first. I didn't have any morning sickness, I wasn't lethargic, my feet weren't too swelled and my migraines only happened when I went too long without sleep.

"You were miserable when you were pregnant with Scarlet" Meredith reminisced. "You complained about every possible thing a pregnant lady could complain about"

I nod, cringing as I remembered all the pain I went through. I wasn't an idiot though; I knew once they started kicking and growing more, I'd be in just as much pain, maybe even more since this was baby times two.

"I don't miss being a whale, and I'm dreading knowing I'm going to be bigger this time around. Double the baby is double the-" I was cut off by my pager, which was paging me 911 to the nurses station.

"Crap" I didn't even bother to finish my sentence, and I was up and running to the nurses station. It didn't take me long, record timing really. I had no idea which patient it was; I'd just done a heart surgery on a woman who was at high risk for heart failure.

"What's the 911?" I ask, out of breath. The nurse points to the room across from us, without looking up from her computer. Worriedly, I open the door and go in to see Amelia cleaning up a cut on Scarlet's leg.

"What happened?" I rush over, knowing know that the 911 was for my baby and not a patient. "You're bleeding!" I exclaim.

"She had a little tumble at daycare, I was playing with Bailey when she fell over a chair. I took her to clean it up, I figured I'd send her on her way once she got a bandaid but this looks like it needs stitches so I paged you and I paged Owen" Amelia explained to me "she barely even cried; she's a brave little girl" Amelia praised.

"Mommy, Amelia said she's one of your friends" Scarlet asks me, not even the slightest bit concerned about her leg. She seemed to be handling this like a champ.

"She is" I nod, before looking at Amelia with a look that says 'can I tell her?' When Amelia nods her permission, I continue. I still hadn't told Scarlet about Amelia's baby, about how it would be her half sibling. I wasn't sure how to explain it to a four year old, but Amelia was here now and could help me explain what was going on.

"Amelia is actually going to have a baby too" I tell Scarlet "and the exciting part is that the baby will be your little brother or sister. How cool is that?" I tell her smiling.

"How will the baby be my baby brother or sister?" She asks, a confused crossing her face.

"Because her baby is Daddy's baby too. It's made up of half Amelia and half Daddy" I tell her, anticipating more questions.

"But you married Daddy and married people only have babies with people they married. That's what Daddy told me" she was so confused, and I was doing my best to think of an explanation. But I was stumped.

"I wanted to have a baby really badly, but I couldn't" Amelia jumped in "you need two people to make a baby, and I didn't have another person. So your Daddy helped me make my baby because I wanted her really badly. That means he'll get the baby half the time and I'll get the baby the other half"

"You're sharing a baby?" Scarlet asked, eyes wide in shock "isn't that not allowed?"

Amelia chuckled lightly "No, it's allowed. We're going to share the baby, and the baby is going to be your little brother or sister"

"But you're not my Mommy" Scarlet looks at me "she isn't my Mommy, and since I was in your tummy, and her baby is in her tummy, that means it's not my baby brother or sister"

"It'll be your half baby brother or sister" I explain "because you are half me and half Daddy, and her baby is half her and half Daddy. That means you have one half in common, you have one half that's the same, which is Daddy's half. You have the same Daddy but not the same Mommy. Half your parents are the same" I was hoping I was making any bit of sense.

"Alright" she nods slowly "the baby is Daddy's baby, but not mommies, and Amelia is the baby's mommy but not mine?" She asks quizzically.

"Exactly!" I let out a sigh of relief "good job!"

"You're very smart" Amelia praised.

"So my baby brother" God love Scarlet, she wanted a baby brother so badly "will call you Mommy?" She asks Amelia "what will I call you then? You're not my Mommy"

She had a point; it would be confusing for Amelia's baby to grow up hearing its siblings calling its Mom 'Amelia' even if it is her name.

"You can just call me-" Amelia starts, but I cut her off.

"Auntie Amelia" I decide on spot "like Bailey and Zola? You can call her Auntie Amelia. She isn't really your Auntie, but she's close enough" Amelia looks surprised, but in a good way.

"Alright, Auntie Amelia" Scarlet smiles.

"Thank you" Amelia mouths to me over Scarlet's head. I smiled in return.

"Thank you for taking care of her and for paging me; I'm glad you were there with her" I genuinely thank Amelia, and a feeling of happiness surges through me.

I am growing, not only am I growing two more babies, but I'm growing as a person. And I'm glad that my daughter will be proud of who I'm growing to be.

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