Chapter six:

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Kissed her on the neck,

and then I took her by the hand,

Said, "Baby, I just want to dance"

Christina's POV:

Later on that day, maybe three hours later, I got home with Scarlet. I ran some errands, but Scarlet didn't want to come with me so she stayed and played at the park while Meredith watched her for a little while. By the time I picked her up and we got home, it was dinner time and she was exhausted from running around at the park.

I opened up the front door, with it being surprisingly unlocked, and watched as Scarlet ran inside and went to the living room.

"Scarlet honey, Mommy's going to make some dinner now, what would you like?" I still wasn't very good at cooking, but I could handle the basics; pasta, sandwiches, anything that went in the microwave and (of course) cereal.

"Hmm" she thought for a second, while going to her toy box to look undoubtedly for a doll to play with "mac and cheese!" she exclaimed happily.

I chuckle "That's my girl" I go into the kitchen to start cooking, when I see Owen sitting at the table, looking rather grim.

"Jesus" I swore "you startled me; you're not supposed to be home for another few hours"

I was glad he was home early; I really wanted to talk to him about something that was on my mind. It wasn't anything bad; at least I wasn't really sure it wasn't anything bad. I myself was unsure how to feel about it, but I didn't think Owen would be upset over it.

"I got off a little early, I'm not actually feeling too well today" He sighs. He looked pale, like he'd just seen a ghost.

"I'm making mac and cheese for dinner; maybe you should lie down for a little bit before eating, Scarlet's in the living room if you want to go spend some time with her" I suggest, while getting out a pot and cheese and macaroni.

"Yeah, I think I will" He gets up and kisses me on the cheek "I love you Christina"

"I love you too" I say while still making dinner. Sometimes I felt too domestic; I missed work occasionally, on those days off that I felt like Martha Stewart, but it was good for me to be at home with my family, especially after how much time I spent at work when I won my Harper Avery. Not to mention all the trips I took for interviews and conferences after I won.

I was away for a while, and right now, it was nice to be back.

Dinner didn't take long to make; within half an hour I was setting the table and calling Scarlet and Owen out to the kitchen. I still needed to talk to Owen, but I figured it could wait until Scarlet went to bed.

"Ooo it smells really yummy" Scarlet says, smiling a big toothy grin as she sits down. I hand her a plastic fork and a cup of water.

"It does, thank you" Owen smiles, sitting down across from me.

"Mommy, this tastes better than most things you make" Scarlet says, with a mouth full of macaroni. Her hair was (as per usual) falling out of her braid, and her face was spotted with food. She'd definitely need a bath before bed.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, okay princess?" Owen tells her while simultaneously reaching over to wipe her cheeks with a napkin. She was messy too, just like me.

She swallows her food and nods "Sorry Daddy"

"Do you want to tell me about your day at the park?" Owen asked Scarlet. He really loved her more than anything, and it was so sweet to watch.

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