New Crowen!!!

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Okay so I deeply apologize for the lack of a new chapter, I'll be doing everything I can to start a solid update schedule very soon. But I have a good reason for my lack of updates.

I am working on a new Crowen story!!!!

It'll be different, and it'll be very intense. I'll put a description in for the new Crowen book, which I've decided to call 'Guilty pleasures'. It's starting out with some Cristina and Burke, and some Owen and Teddy, but not for long. Definitely not for long.

I married Burke; I was married to Burke. Owen was married to Teddy. We both had other people we claimed we loved, yet we always came back to each other. Every time I swore was the last, but I couldn't go without him. Like a child sneaking sugar before dinner, I always indulged in the guilty pleasures Owen had to offer.


A story where Cristina meets Owen one night and they share a kiss; only to find weeks later that Owen is the new head of trauma and his wife is going to be right hand woman to Preston Burke and his world class cardio team. What started as something small, turns into a guilty affair between two people who end up feeling more than they bargained for.

Im excited to publish it!!! Once I'm almost done this story, How it is, I'll start posting guilty pleasures. I want to pre write as much as I can so I can avoid having gaps between my updates!

Thank you guys so much for reading, vote and comment, and follow me for more updates!!!


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