Chapter seventeen:

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She is everything I need,
That I never knew,
I wanted.

Christina's POV:

17 weeks, 2 days pregnant

"So you've been really buddy buddy with Amelia lately" Meredith said one morning while we were at the park with the kids "what happened?"

I shrug "There's more to her than I thought. I respect her, which sounds crazy, but I do. She deserves my respect despite everything"

Mer nodded slowly "I'm glad you guys are figuring things out"

"Me too"

17 weeks, 4 days pregnant

"Look at that, they're all cuddled together" Arizona was doing my ultrasound, just checking in, because I hadn't felt any movement. With Scarlet, she took her dear sweet time to kick, so I wasn't worried. But Owen, who was currently Mr. Mom, was always worried. About what I ate, what I didn't eat, what I drank, how much I slept, how much I didn't sleep, you name it and he was stressing out.

And it wasn't just me; he was all over Amelia like a wet blanket too. Asking constantly about the baby, how she was feeling, if she was eating and sleeping. I think that's why we were getting along so well; we both hated being looked after, we both hated being fussed over, and we both hated being told what to do.

All things the lovely Owen was currently doing.

"Are they alright?" Owen was holding my hand with eyes wide and looking at the screen. The babies were so cuddled up we wouldn't be able to tell their genders if we wanted to, meaning it was safe to look.

"They're fine" Arizona confirmed, taking the wand away from my stomach and turning off the screen "they're so close together they probably don't have room to kick. But they're perfect, measuring right on time and growing steadily. You don't need to be so anxious, Owen" Arizona reassured him.

"Thank you" Owen thanked her, before kissing my forehead "I've got surgery, but I'll see you at home?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course" I said, confirming that I'd be home later, which seemed to make him happy as he left.

"You need to calm him down" Arizona sighed as soon as the door slammed behind him "he had Amelia up here the other day for an ultrasound because she had heartburn; he's going crazy"

"He's worried" I wipe off my stomach and sit up "there's three babies coming this time, not just one"

She rose her eyebrows and gave me a typical 'are you kidding me' face.

"I've seen fathers having four babies who weren't as worried as he is, and some of them should've been. They all had reasons to be worried and Owen doesn't. You and Amelia are both doctors and both in perfect health" Arizona seemed tired. She looked worn out, and I felt awful. She was doing a neonatal fellowship so she didn't have any time to herself; all her time off she spent with the kids.

"Are you working tonight?" I ask her randomly.

"No, I managed to weasel a free day. Sofia's with Mark and Lexie, if Timothy goes to sleep easily tonight Callie and I were gonna spend some time together"she tells me. Timothy was more difficult than Sofia; he had more willpower and more fight in him. If he didn't want to go to bed, it took hours to get him to go to sleep.

"I'll pick him up when I get Scarlet; he can stay with us tonight and I'll bring him to daycare tomorrow morning" I offer. Timothy wasn't a bad kid, he could play with Scarlet for a few hours until they went to sleep, I figured it would be a nice thing to do for Arizona.

"You don't have to do that" Arizona said "really; you're pregnant, you don't need to watch my kid and your own"

"Don't be stupid" I scoffed "Owen and I babysat Sofia and Zola once when I was pregnant with Scarlet; we'll be fine, you need to start spending some quality time with Callie" they both worked so much, we all did, and it's nice to help each other out. God knows Arizona and Callie have watched Scarlet dozens of times before.

"Thank you so much" Arizona thanked me and smiled wide "it's been so hard to spend time together lately, Callie and I have been arguing so often, it feels like we don't talk unless it's to fight. Tonight will really help us out" she was so grateful for a moment, I thought she'd cry.

Tears were not my strong suit.

"Don't worry; I'll drop him off tomorrow morning"


"Alright, Evie, Scarlet, let's get ready for bed now" Owen ended up staying at work late, so I'd invited Amelia over to stay the night. Meredith was with us too, Derek ended up paged to the same surgery Owen was (some idiot ran his truck off the road; not only was his body beat to shreds, but he had a brain bleed) so all in all, there were five kids, Scarlet, Evie (we 'traded' Zola for Evie with Mark and Lexie so Zola and Sofia could have a sleepover and Evie and Sofia could have a sleepover. Bailey and Timothy were the best of friends so naturally, they were happy about the situation.

"Already Mom?" Scarlet asked as she and Evie sat on the floor playing dolls. Meredith put Ellis down hours ago, and Amelia had just finished tucking in the boys. Now was just the girls.

"Come on, lets go brush your teeth" Evie wordlessly got up, along with Scarlet, and headed to the bathroom. I got some PJ's for each of them from Scarlet's drawers and when I'd checked on them, they had finished brushing their teeth.

"Let me see" I made sure their teeth were brushed right (one thing you learn fast when you have kids is that they tend to lie about little things) before handing them their PJ's. It didn't take long before they were both settled into Scarlet's bed.

"Goodnight my babies" I kissed them both on the forehead "I love you both. Sleep tight" Evie might not have been my kid, but she was close. She and Scarlet were so similar, yet so different, and they absolutely loved spending time together.

"Are they asleep?" Amelia asked me. I nodded and Meredith let out a sigh of relief.

"Having the twins won't be such a shock to your system considering Evie and Scarlet are practically twins themselves" Meredith joked "except they look nothing alike; Bailey and Timothy look so similar I sometimes mix them up" Bailey and Timothy were as close as Evie and Scarlet, and they did look pretty similar. Both had blonde hair, both had blue eyes, both had pale skin and they were around the same height. Scarlet, who looked like me, couldn't have looked more different from Evie's light feathery brown hair and grey eyes. She looked like Lexie, there was no doubt.

"Speaking of twins, Owen keeps saying we're naming them Max, which we're not" I add on.

"He says that to me too!" Amelia laughs "just the other day he-" she was cut off by the front door opening and closing abruptly, and then Arizona joining us in the living room.

"Arizona?" Meredith asks "are you alright?" Arizona was a sight for sore eyes; her mascara was down across her cheeks, her eyes were red and she was shaking.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"Callie cheated on me"

A/N- so in the show Arizona cheats on Callie when she's mad that Callie let Alex cut off her leg. Since there isn't a plane crash in this story and therefore Arizona has both legs, I still wanted to put some cheating drama in there between the two because Calzona was always a dramatic ship.

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