Chapter nine:

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Where were you?

When everything was

Falling apart?

Christina's POV:

7 weeks, 4 days pregnant

The same day Meredith and I had found out that baby number two was actually babies number two and three, Owen decided to call Meredith.

"We have to go home" Meredith sighs, putting the phone down and running a hand through her hair "tonight, we need to go to the airport and go home, tonight" she tells me.

"Says Owen?" I raise an eyebrow "is he really in a position to be telling me what I can and cannot do right now?"

"Christina, he's threatening to call the cops"

I was silent, unsure of what to say or even what to think.

"He can't do that, I'm not guilty of anything" I shrug, thinking Owen has gone completely bat shit crazy. He couldn't call the police because I left him.

"Christina, if it was just you that left then there would be nothing Owen could do" Meredith explains "but you both have custody of Scarlet, and you left the state with her. You have his daughter-"

"My daughter" I cut her off.

"You have Scarlet" she says "and he didn't give you permission, he doesn't even know where we are. You left, and you have Scarlet and he's willing to call the police to report you for kidnapping if we aren't home by tomorrow morning. Now you can stay and I can bring Scarlet back home to Owen, or you can figure out what the hell is happening here"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, pissed that Owen is even making me do this, forcing me to come home after everything he's put me through.

"Its been a week, Christina, its time to go home"


We were home the next morning, where I dropped Scarlet off to Owen and went straight to work. I didn't want to have to talk to him, look at him or be within the same general premises as him.

Sadly, I forgot that the whore he slept with also works at the hospital and is also carrying his baby. The more and more I thought about it, the more often I saw her face through the crowded hallways and ER, the more and more I realized this was her fault. She could fix this situation.

Who gets pregnant with a married man's baby and then decides to keep it?

People don't do that, they don't fuck up marriages and then decide to keep the  baby that caused all the problems. They get abortions, they apologize for their wrongdoings and they move far, far away.

At least, they do in a perfect world.

I was checking on some scans I had ordered from a patient, when we ran into each other face-to-face, alone and away from crowds, in the staff room.

"I'm sorry, I can leave" She immediately said upon seeing me sitting.

"You should stay" it was anger getting the better of me as I put down the scans and faced her full on, ready to rip her a new one "we should chat"

Hesitantly, she sat down and looked at me with a confused look in her eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, having my husbands baby?" I demand, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes into a deadly glare. If I could have killed her, then and there, I probably would have.

"Look Christina" she looks genuinely upset, but that fuels my anger. She has no right to be upset when it's my life that's suffering "Owen and I are not together, we won't ever be together. The pregnancy isn't ideal, I'm aware, but you two were separated at the time of conception. We were both drunk and upset, it happened and I am truly, deeply sorry"

"You don't get to make some big speech and think this is all okay. We were having some issues that we were working through, for our daughter. We wanted our daughter to have parents who could get along and stay married for her" I spit angrily.

"You and Owen can stay married, we aren't getting together, he isn't leaving you" Amelia tells me.

"You're having his baby"

"Two people can have a baby and not be together"

I go silent, unable to form words though my anger. How does she have the nerve to sit there and act like her baby is perfectly normal? Like her baby isn't ruining my life?

"Why the hell are you keeping it anyway?" I completely blow up, losing my temper and forgetting all sense of what is right and wrong to say "he is someone's husband; he has a child and a life, he has a family and you keeping the baby is going to ruin that. Your child will grow up with half siblings and separated parents and siblings who wonder why their Dad is such a man whore. Your child will ensure that I have to see your miserable face for the next eighteen years of my life, as if sleeping with my husband and fucking up my marriage isn't enough" I laugh bitterly "just get an abortion so we can move on with our lives!"

Shes silent, and so am I. I'm still angry beyond belief and Amelia looks something between shocked and hurt.

"You don't get to tell me that I'm not allowed to have my baby" She says slowly "you don't get to blame this all on me, either. You and Owen were separated; this wasn't an affair, this wasn't some secret romance or some behind your back fucks every now and then" she's getting angry now too, judging by her tone "you really want to know what happened that night?" she snarls "you were separated and Owen wanted to move back in, be a family again and be the husband he should be. But you shut him out. He was hurt, and as it turns out my night was shit as well. We both got undeniably drunk, and did some things we regret. But you two were separated; you kicked him out, you wouldn't let him come home again, you drove him away. While you might have had your reasons, he was still hurt. He was hurting and you weren't there because you wee only thinking about yourself. I'm not blaming you for what happened, I'm just pointing out that there are several sides to each story, and my side is that while what I did was stupid and wrong and not at all fair to you, what happened didn't just spontaneously happen. It happened because you hurt him, and that's not an excuse I know, Owen and I are to blame. But my baby" she took a deep breath, she was shaking "my baby is not to blame. And you do not have any right to tell me to get an abortion, and you do not have a right to tell me my unborn fetus ruined your life; look at the facts, Christina. Your life wasn't perfect to begin with" With that, she stormed out and slammed the door behind her.

I was in shock. Standing there now, I knew Amelia was right. I had no right to say that to her, and I have no right to say whatever I wanted because I was hurting. Mistakes are made when people are hurting, Owen and Amelia knew that better than anyone.

Regardless of what happened, that unborn baby didn't ask for this, Amelia's baby did not ask for this. And I shouldn't have told Amelia to get an abortion.

That's her child, and no matter what happened or didn't happen, I don't have any right to interfere with her child.

A/N- sorry this took so long to get up, i've been busy and really fucking exhausted. I still have to finish and post the new chapter for my other story, I'm just so freaking tired I can't bring myself to do it all at once.

This fight scene with Amelia and Christina tho omg. I love them both, but I do think Christina can be a bully and Amelia isn't the type of person to sit around and be bullied; shes very outspoken, so is Christina, and that will lead to some drama here.

anywho, thanks so much for reading, vote and comment!


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