Chapter five:

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Run for you life my love,

run and you don't give up,

with all that you are,

and all that you want,

I will be close behind,

run for your life.

Christina's POV:

Two weeks quickly turned into two months, and in those two months, I finally decided to let Owen move back in.

I'll admit, I was wary because I still had a bad gut feeling about Owen and Amelia, but they both said nothing happened (even though they were too drunk to remember themselves) and I knew I had to trust that.

Meredith, on the other hand, was a different story.

"Christina, I know you think he's telling the truth, but if your gut has a feeling, you should talk to him again before you let him move back in. He's been moved out for two months for a reason" she points out one day, as we sit on benches at the park with Lexie and Arizona.

"Your gut didn't tell you when Derek was married, but he was" I point out, as I watch Scarlet hold Evie's hand down the slide. It's strange how the second you have a kid, your instincts and senses go into overdrive; I was always watching out for my daughter.

"Exactly!" Meredith exclaims, patting Ellis' back "if I had a gut feeling, I wouldn't have been so heartbroken because I would've known what was coming!"

"Callie told me she had a gut feeling when she found out George had cheated on her, back when they were married" Arizona added in, before yelling out "Sofia! Help your brother climb the slide! I don't want him to slip!"

"I thought Mark cheated on me once" Lexie added in, while also holding her own baby. Chase was ten months old, and not quite old enough (or steady enough on his feet) to be out on the playground with the big kids.

"Mark adores you, he wouldn't ever cheat on you" I snort "he's been obsessed with your for years; I'm pretty sure he was only excited about Evie because now he's eternally linked to you via off-spring"

Meredith laughed "She's not wrong, Lex; Mark is so in love with you, it makes me sick"

"He's always talking about how he wants to have another baby with you" Arizona adds in "every time he picks up Sofia he tells her she'll have another baby sister eventually"

Lexie groans "No more babies" she says firmly "three is enough for me; three is a good, prime number. Why mess with perfection?"

"He's taking this whole 'man whore gone domesticated' thing a little too serious; when they say settle down and have a million babies, they don't mean literally a million" I mutter, thinking back to when Owen wanted babies and I didn't.

I couldn't even imagine not having Scarlet now.

"Mark is a good Dad, don't get me wrong" Lexie starts "but he has four babies; he doesn't need anymore, and I certainly am not going through pregnancy again" her voice is firm. Pregnancy was really rough for Lexie, needless to say.

"I didn't really mind being pregnant from weeks sixteen to twenty five" I say "those were the only weeks where I was throwing up with morning sickness, and I wasn't overly large. I got pretty damn big, but weeks sixteen to twenty five I could still fit into most of my clothes" I reminisce.

"I wasn't really big with Bailey, average I suppose" Meredith says while fondly looking at her kids on the playground "he just kicked my back a lot. Ellis didn't move as much as he did, but I was a blimp so it evens out"

"My bump was tiny and Timothy barely kicked hard enough for me to feel, let alone complain about" Arizona smiled, she had the easiest pregnancy known to man "my feet were swollen out three times their normal size and I was sick the first trimester, but I don't really consider that bad"

"Timothy was also born at thirty six weeks; you weren't over due and he was a pretty small baby" Lexie pointed out.

"I hated being over due" I groan "once you hit forty weeks, its all downhill from there"

"Weren't we talking about Owen and Christina?" Meredith says "God, how easy is it to get a bunch of Mommies off topic and into a chat about pregnancy"

She wasn't wrong; we were all pretty boring outside the hospital. Our babies was the one thing everyone always wanted to talk about.

"We don't need to talk about it anymore; he's moving back in, he's got himself back together now and I don't think any more time apart is really necessary" I tell Meredith firmly, despite how nervous I was about it.

"Meredith's right; you shouldn't ignore your gut feelings" Arizona agrees "at least talk to him about it again beforehand"

"Meredith is only so insistent on this because she doesn't really like Owen or Amelia" I say pointedly. Meredith didn't really like Owen all too much since we started fighting so often, and she wasn't Amelia's biggest fan because Amelia had a rocky relationship with Derek and that didn't really sit well with Meredith.

"Its not that I don't like them-" Meredith starts, but I cut her off.

"Its just that you don't like them" I tell her "Amelia has issues with Derek and Owen was a miserable bastard this past year, so you aren't exactly on good terms with either of them right now"

"That doesn't mean he isn't lying about what happened with Amelia" Arizona says.

"If he is lying it's just another reason for me to hate them both" Meredith adds.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair, something I found myself doing quite a bit lately "Lexie said she thought Mark cheated on her, but he didn't, right Lex?"

Lexie nods "I was paranoid, but he wasn't cheating on me. I confronted him and he was surprised I even asked"

"See? There we go, Lexie was just paranoid because...why were you paranoid?" I ask her, wondering if maybe something happened between her and Mark like what happened between myself and Owen.

She shrugs "I found out I was pregnant a few days later, probably the hormones"

"Great, so he's either cheating on you or you're pregnant" Arizona tells me "problem solved, stop by CVS on the way home and you'll know which one is the truth"

"Or it could be both" Meredith butts in "you never know these days"

"I am not pregnant and Owen did not cheat on me" I declare "everything is fine, just because we had some marriage trouble does not mean that there's some big scandal here"

Meredith raises her eyes, but just says "Whatever you say, Christina"

A/N: I'm so into writing this! I missed Christina and Owen, they're one of my favorite ships to write about because they're so different, you never really know what's going to happen.

This next part is the soundtrack from the first book 'People plan, life happens' because I used a song in every chapter but didn't list them! So the list of songs in the following part is from the first book, and at the end of this one I'll list the songs from this book as well!

I've also been thinking about a third book to this series, you never know! Thats how much I enjoy writing this!

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