Chapter eighteen:

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This is in Arizonas POV bc I got kinda bored and figured I'd switch it up lol but fair warning, don't be mad at the way shit goes down. I love calzona so much but I honesty don't see them together after the shit Callie pulled with the custody trial and Penny back in season 12. I think Arizona deserves better and some of you definitely disagree with me but that's okay, comment your calzona thoughts too!! I will always and forever be TEAM ARIZONA

Aint nobody hurt you like I hurt you,
Aint nobody love you like I do.

Arizona's POV:


It had been a long day. Every day seemed to be a long day, but this one was the longest by far. I'd been in surgery for nearly fourteen hours and all I wanted to do now was sleep. But, I had managed to get the night kid free and I wanted to spend some quality time with Callie. We really hadn't seen much of each other lately and I found myself missing her even though she slept right next to me every single night.

The door to the house was already unlocked, which was strange considering Callie told me it'd be another couple hours until she got home. Thinking she was just home early, I hung up my jacket and put my shoes on the rack before discarding my bag and keys on the kitchen table.

"Sofia is with Mark tonight" I yell as I walk up the hall. The bedroom light was on, so I knew Callie was home "Timothy went home with Christina, she offered to watch him for the night" I explained, in case she asked where our children were. Opening the door, I continued "so she'll drop him off with Scarlet-" I stopped dead in my tracks at what I saw. My jaw hit the damn floor.

Callie was in bed, naked, with another woman.

"Arizona-" she started, but I couldn't. I just...didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say? There were no rules on how to react in situations like these.

"Calliope?" I asked, looking from her to the other woman and back again "what the hell?"

"Arizona, I'm sorry" Callie stood up and began to pull on some clothes while I just turned to leave.

"You're not sorry now, but you will be. Don't bother coming home tomorrow night" I angrily grabbed my keys and bag, before going to retrieve my coat and shoes.

"I live here!" Callie followed me, with the slut I found her in bed with close behind. "You can't just kick me out!"

I turned on my heels to face her so fast my hair whipped savagely around me "This is my house where I will continue to raise my children. Don't bother picking either of them up tomorrow either, I don't want you around them" the idea of her hands, which had previously been doing Jesus knows what to some skank, made me sick to my stomach.

"They're my children, you can't keep them from me" she looked at me as if I was the one who was behaving wrong. As if I was the one being unreasonable.

"I can and I will" I counter "I'm their Mother" like hell is she getting anywhere near my children.

"So am I"

"You lost that right when you decided fucking some whore was more important than your family" I spat, watching as Callie's eyes (and the whores eyes) went wide.

Without another word, I turned and stormed out of the house, feeling completely and utterly betrayed.

Christina's POV:

"Do you know what she looked like?" I asked Arizona the next day at the hospital. She'd been pretty upset when she came over to my place, so she hadn't really told us what happened. Just that she came home a little early, thinking Callie was still working, when Callie was definitely not working.

"She was blonde" Arizona sighed "I don't know, I didn't really look. She was blonde is basically all I got. Now can we please not talk about this at work?" We weren't even working, really, we'd just walked into the front doors together with Amelia and Meredith behind us.

Evie was balanced on one hip, Scarlet was on my other, while Arizona had Timothy (who was fast asleep on her shoulder). "You can stay at my place again tonight; the kids too, obviously. When Owen slept with Amelia the last thing I wanted to do was let Scarlet anywhere near him" although our situations were sort of different, I did know how she was feeling.

"Thank you" she said gratefully "I'm just gonna go talk to a nurse real quick and figure out if someone can cover for me tonight; I'll see you down at the daycare centre"

I nodded and said goodbye before turning to Meredith. "She's pissed"

"Well duh" Mer answered, Bailey on hip "I would be too; imagine going home to spend time with your husband and he's at home screwing someone else"

Amelia had baby Ellis, and she honestly looked uncomfortable. I could guess why, but I didn't want to bring it up.

"Well well, this is a sight I have never seen before" a familiar voice said behind me "Yang and two babies" I turned around and was met with the familiar face of Erica Hahn, who's eyes widened upon seeing my baby bump.

"I stand corrected" she said "a pregnant Yang with two babies"

"Doctor Hahn?" I asked questionably "what are you doing here?" It was a straightforward question, I had no time for beating around the bush. 

"I got into town a couple of days ago; I'm doing a surgery here, your chief called me. Ask him yourself" she motioned to Owen, who was heading towards us with a grin on his face.

"Daddy!" Scarlet yelled happily, reaching out for him when he was near. Owen gladly took Scarlet and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Daddy?" Hahn asked me, one perfectly shaped eyebrow raised in question.

"Owen is my husband. We were married before he was promoted to chief, but we had the kids after" I remembered how awful Hahn was to me over Burke; she accused me of sleeping my way to the top, which was extremely insulting and rude. "That's our daughter Scarlet, and this is Mark and Lexie's daughter Evie. We babysat last night" I explain vaguely.

"Mark Sloan had kids?" Hahn looked surprised "with the intern?"

"She's a resident now" Meredith cut in "and they're married, they've been married for years now. They have three kids, although Mark has four, so I guess they have four kids" Mer was quick to defend her sister.

"Oh man, what poor soul got stuck with Mark Sloan's broken condom baby?" Hahn asked. She was never a fan of Sloan, and apparently, things like that didn't change because she still hated him.

"That would be my daughter" Arizona, still holding Timothy, came from behind us. I guess she finished talking to the nurses and saw us still in the lobby. "Although I would've guessed you'd known that considering you slept with my wife"

Let me tell you, it was no exaggeration when all eyes went as wide as saucers.

Apparently, Arizona remembered what the whore who slept with Callie looked like after all.

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