Chapter seven:

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A/N- so where I live right now we have no power :) hurricane winds knocked it all out which means I'm using data to post this. Thank god I had it prewritten! My other story wasn't as lucky and won't have a new chapter for a few days :// anyway, here's a new chapter! Hope you have more fun reading it then I do sitting here in the dark :)

Baby, please have Mercy on me,

Take it easy on my heart,

Even though you don't mean to hurt me,

You keep tearing me apart.

Christina's POV:


"Alright Mere, we have to leave now, I have some errands to run before we go home" I say, picking Scarlet up and hoisting her up onto my hip.

"Mama, I don't want to go" Scarlet whined with a pout.

"Why don't you go run some errands and then pick her up on your way home? She'll be fine here with me, won't you baby girl?" Mere asks Scarlet.

"Yes! Mommy I'll be fine here with Auntie Mere!" She pleads "I want to stay and play with Evie!"

I sigh, and kiss her forehead "Be good for Auntie Mere, okay?" I tell her, as I put her back down on the ground. She smiles and hugs my legs, before running off to keep playing with Evie.

"I won't be more than an hour or so. If you have any problems just call me, and I'll be right down" I tell Meredith, while gathering my bag and keys.

"She isn't a baby anymore, Christina, she'll be okay" Meredith chuckled.

"Don't say that; she's always going to be my baby" I say "she's just gotten a little taller, that's all"

I said good-bye to everyone, and then went to the car to leave for my errands. While I was driving, I was becoming extremely nostalgic. Scarlet was getting so big, she definitely wasn't a baby anymore, or even a toddler.

My kid was officially just that; a kid.

I missed my baby more often than not. I missed her being tiny and squishy and cute, I didn't miss her constant screaming, but I did miss her being a baby. And that's something I didn't think I'd ever say.

"Jesus Christina, you need to get it together and stop being such a sap" I muttered to myself, as I pulled into the pharmacy. I had no idea why I was being so emotional, I usually wasn't this...soft.

I went into the pharmacy and picked up everything I needed; some children's Advil for Scarlet, some toothpaste, and a new toothbrush for Owen. When I passed by the tampon aisle, I realized I needed tampons too.

And then it dawned on me.

I was late.

I cursed under my breath and threw a box of tampons in the cart, before going to the next aisle over and picking up a pregnancy test just for good measure. I didn't think anything would come of it, but it was just to be safe rather than sorry.

On one hand, I wanted the test to be positive; not because I wanted anymore babies (I actually did not want anymore kids, Scarlet was more than enough for me) but because Lexie said when she was as paranoid as I was, it was because she was pregnant and Mark didn't cheat on her.

For some twisted reason, I thought if I was pregnant it meant that Owen didn't cheat on me.

On the other hand, I wanted the test to be negative because I didn't want anymore kids.

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