Chapter 5: Bicker Park

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It's like they have fallen into this sort of weird familiar routine, where Dinah, with Ally occasionally tagging along if she isn't busy with her TA duties, hangs out in their dorm room bugging Camila non-stop about pretty much everything, while Lauren lays in her bed reading her book and scoffing every now and then at the dimwits on the other side of the room.

This time, Dinah is pestering Camila to go to a party with her, which Camila vehemently refuses to do.

"You do have two functional legs, don't you?" Camila asks her friend.

"Two perfectly long legs made for the runway, yes, what's your point?" Dinah sasses.

"That means you can walk without my help, so why do you need me to go to that party? I need to study this weekend!"

"Mila, this is like the party of the century!" Dinah whines.

"DJ, every party for you is the party of the century." Camila shakes her head, obviously unimpressed.

"Well, this time I mean it! I need to be there, the Thetas are scouting for PNMs --"

Camila cuts Dinah off with a confused look.

"PNMs? Is that some kind of a sorority term for menstrual cramps?"

Dinah rolls her eyes and shakes her head dramatically as if she's a mother who just found out that her daughter ate poop.

"Potential New Members, Mila, keep up!" She scoffs. "Anyway, as I was saying, I'm hoping I could prove to them that I'm worthy to be part of the best sorority in the planet, and how I can do that if I don't attend that party! They've already started recruiting anyway, so this is like my last chance, please Mila please!"

"But what do you need me for? I don't know any sorority girl!"

"But your boyfriend does! He's a DOG, they're like --"

"Are you calling Kels a dog!?" Camila asks indignantly. "And FYI, he's not my boyfriend yet. We've just started hanging out."

Dinah looks confused for a second as to why Camila seems offended, but then she realizes how her words might have sounded, so she quickly clarifies, before further lessening her chances that Camila will go with her.

"I meant he's a Delta Omega Gamma, that's like the brother of the best sorority in this university, the Kappa Alpha Theta," and then she adds as an afterthought, "although, I gotta say Mila, Kels is kind of a dog. That one is a slimeball, I keep telling you that."

"He's been nothing but nice to me. We shouldn't judge a person through hearsay, DJ."

"Yeah, okay. But don't say I didn't warn you."

They are both silent for a short while, but neither of them have the same thoughts.

Camila is thinking about her friend's words of caution and feeling a pinch in her heart when she is reminded of her ex-boyfriend, Shawn, and how much she misses him. But circumstances weren't kind to them, when they have to go to different universities, so they had to end their relationship, but thankfully, not their friendship.

This guy she's trying to date now, Kels, has never made Camila feel giddy, but he is very persistent so Camila thought why not? Might as well enjoy the college life, and that includes dating. And even if Kels is older than her, and the opposite of her personality, she likes the attention he gives her. The fact that he's "popular" and "cool" and he chooses to pursue her makes Camila feel important; she knows she's being shallow, and it's totally uncharacteristic of her, but in her defense, it's just casual dating. She's just trying to experience new things.

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