Chapter 24: Static Electricity

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"Get it? It's like a FRIENDS episode, but they're all kangaroos." Camila explains patiently. "One kangaroo shows his friends the engagement ring he bought for his girlfriend, but then the girlfriend enters the room, and in his panic, the guy kangaroo hides the ring in his mouth."

"Camila, you should stop watching stupid YouTube videos." Lauren shakes her head as she stuffs her duffel bag with yet another book that she thinks she couldn't leave behind.

"It's a very cool web series, Lauren. It's art. Very intellectual, too." Camila says defensively.

A statement nobody could take seriously because her mouth is stuffed with banana, while she hugs Mr. Snuggles, and wears a banana hat and banana-print socks. When Lauren asks her why the hell she looks like a distant cousin of the Bananas in Pajamas, she defends her questionable attire and claims it's her lucky outfit for a road trip. The hat fends off any vehicular accidents which could potentially cause brain damage, her lucky socks to keep her feet warm, Mr. Snuggles to keep the good vibes vibing, and bananas to keep her potassium level normal. One of those missing and the entire trip will be a bust.

"I can make better art using a lighter and my fart." Lauren scoffs.

Camila rolls her eyes as she throws away the banana peel, nudging Ally out of the way, who's too busy making sure that the cookies she baked are safely secured in the big Tupperware she brought.

Meanwhile, Dinah keeps looking at them with a confused frown.

"I don't get it, though. Kangaroos have big pockets, why did he have to hide it in his mouth?"

"Really, Dinah? You question that and not how the hell did the kangaroo get an engagement ring?" Lauren laughs incredulously.

"Well, I'm more curious if he'll get down on one knee." Camila says. "That's very important in any proposal. Gotta get down on one knee like a pro."

"To be honest, guys, all I care about is if it's gonna be a church wedding." Ally says while munching on a cookie.

"There'll be no getting down on one knee coz kangaroos can't kneel on one knee! And they sure can't go to tiffany's and buy an engagement ring." Lauren groans in frustration, before turning towards Ally. "And Ally, for god's sakes, kangaroos aren't Catholics!"

"Lauren, don't speak the name of the Lord our God in vain!" Ally shakes her head in disappointment.

"We don't know what goes on in a kangaroo's private life, Lauser. We only know little facts from what we see in Animal Planet. So, don't make assumptions!"

"Wait, are you sure kangaroos can't kneel?" Normani inquires.

"On one knee? I doubt it." Lauren shrugs.

"I bet they can. If they can jump like a frog on a trampoline then I'm not putting it past them to be as romantic as Ryan Gosling." Camila says, not ready to let go of her romantic fantasy of a kangaroo getting down on one knee to propose. She simply can't. She's old-fashioned and a romantic.

"Or to perform blow jobs." Apparently, Dinah doesn't care about romance anymore.

"Guys, have you ever wondered if animals do oral sex? Monkeys, perhaps? Maybe that's why they love bananas so much."

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