Chapter 37: The Awakening

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A/N: it's funny how Tyren plays Jenga days after I published last chapter. They sure don't wanna be outshined by PrawnMila 😂😂

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Oh god how she wants Lauren Jauregui.

What is happening to her?

Ever since she had that talk with Lauren, something must have gone wrong in her brain. Her mind keeps playing her the "what if" soundtrack in her head; the steady beat of desire pulsating within her veins, her hormones undulating inside her, waves of fantasies ebbing and flowing in her thoughts, that indescribable need to touch Lauren spiking like a crescendo peaking higher and higher, only for her conscience to intervene and topple everything down like a house of cards crumbling into a heap of mess.

And that's what she is -- a mess.

A chaos of repressed desires and morality battling inside her, her good and bad conscience, one looks like Lauren and the other looks like Shawn (go figure!), bickering nonstop, telling her what to do (and definitely what not to do), and so she feels like she's about to lose control of her own sanity and reactions; her body turning against her whenever Lauren is around and making her feel things she shouldn't normally feel.

It's a kind of craving she isn't used to. That kind of craving where she isn't sure until when she could control it. That kind of craving where it's only a matter of time before she gives in.

Is this how men feel like when they see an attractive woman? Their brains get muddled, their senses go into overdrive, and they wouldn't be able to think properly until they did something about it?

Well, she's not a guy, and she definitely has more self-control than a penis, but oh how she craves for Lauren Jauregui. It's one secret that's dying to spill from her lips.

Maybe it's because Lauren hasn't been giving her a lot of attention lately, too busy with her friends, too chill with her that it almost feels like they've been reduced to some kind of a "just bros, no homo" dynamics.

Maybe it's the fact that she's realizing now that what Lauren did for her appeals to her romantic side -- something Camila is a sucker for.

Maybe it's just a simple case of human nature, where a person starts to pine for something only when she has lost it. A case of taking things for granted when it's right in front of you, and wanting it back once it's gone.

No matter what it is, her eyes are now open to the reality that she finds Lauren so undeniably appealing that it makes her lose focus.

But Camila is a self-respecting lady. She's a lady with a gentleman boyfriend. A decent lady who may have some slightly dirty thoughts for her roommate, but nothing so bad that she'd lose her mind over it. No sir. Lauren may be hot, but she's not that hot where Camila wouldn't be able to control herself.

Who's she kidding.

Of course Lauren is that hot.

Apparently, everyone else think so because it's like a revolving door of people in and out of their dorm room, a never-ending hanging of icky socks on door knobs (and violent reactions from Camila, of course), a bunch of flirty giggling and touching whenever she sees Lauren in class or hallways talking to people, and Lauren seems to be basking in it like a famished biblical Israelite being showered by God with an all-you-can-eat manna from heaven.

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