Chapter 8: A Pocket Full of Why

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Lauren isn't even sure why she's following Camila upstairs. But here she is, hot on the trail of the soft patter of footsteps against the wooden tiles of the hallway, eyes trained at Camila a short distance ahead.

It's like her feet suddenly acquired a mind of their own and she just started walking, completely forgetting about the girl she was making out with tonight, whom she promised to get her a drink which was just an excuse to follow Camila to the kitchen; she just hopes that the girl isn't that thirsty, because she's not coming back.

At this point, she's a homing missile meant to track and follow the booty, and hot damn what a big booty that is. Her eyes remain glued to Camila's back, as Lauren effortlessly glides through a bunch of people in various state of drunkenness (a skill she has perfected from attending too many rave parties), while her mind is wondering why she's still following her.

Maybe she just wants to make sure that no other frat boy tries to invite her again for a sleazy threesome.

Maybe she wants to know if Camila is okay; that she's not questioning her self-worth for being duped by a fuckboy and drown in self-pity.

She remembers what her sister, Taylor, said weeks ago. One of her classmates had a nervous breakdown and almost killed herself because some of their classmates said she has the best ass in school. The girl had to take therapy for it and transfer to another school. If it was her, Lauren wouldn't be that bothered; she probably will just say thank you if people said she has the best ass, but that's just her; maybe she's just used to the idea that she is a sexual being and there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe others aren't as comfortable being appreciated for their bodies, which is definitely understandable; the girl is probably too young to be able to handle things anyway.

Anyway, her point is, what she may think is unimportant, could mean something else to others. So maybe that's why she's following her, because she doesn't wanna risk letting her indifference affect another person. She feels the need to let Camila know that she shouldn't let any of tonight's event bother her, she needs to know it's not her fault. People are just generally insensitive and stupid, and she doesn't need to absorb all the trash.

Or maybe, if she stops trying to intellectualize the situation, she'll finally admit that all she's simply wondering about is why she felt an electric charge all throughout her body when she kissed her?

No. It's not it. It was just a tiny kiss. She's had numerous tongues shoved down her throat before and she felt nothing too special other than the usual steady pulsation of lust inside her body; so why would a lame ass two-second kiss electrify her to the core?

Obviously, she's just imagining things.

It's just the tons of alcohol she ingested tonight, add in the irksome presence of that Kelboy disrespecting a decent girl.

Yeah, that's definitely it.

It was annoyance that she felt rushing from her lips and down to every last tips of her extremities making her feel giddy and light-headed. Nothing else.

She notices Camila peek inside a room, then disappear into it, and she hurries up before Camila decides to lock the door.

When she gets in, she sees Camila belly-flopped onto the bed, sniffling quietly, face down on a pillow, as if afraid to let anybody hear her.

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