Chapter 35: Ménage à Trois

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A/N: I just want to be clear that Camila isn't confused about her attraction to girls since it's been mentioned in the early chapters (5? Not sure) that she has made out with Ari and liked it. So she's aware of her sexuality. She's just not into labels, and she's not out to her family.

• • •

Lauren has never been against threesomes.

In fact, she can't recall a time she ever said no to an invitation because she has much love to give (sexually-speaking, of course, since Lauren is not into romance, at all, like eww that's a death trap), and if more than one person want a piece of her, then who's she to deny anyone of that?

What Lauren has never imagined herself to be in was an unwanted, constant, and non-sexual (thank god!) threesome for almost everyday since the night-which-must-not-be-mentioned.

That's right, people, she's now the official third wheel in Room 727.

Case in point, she wakes up to the sight of a pale-faced Prawn sitting beside Camila on her bed as they giggle (yes, fucking giggle! Like what kind of a guy giggles like a creepy little giggling doll?) over something they're watching on her laptop.

She groans loudly as she kicks her blanket off her feet, which gets the attention of Camila who immediately removes her ear bud, and asks Lauren in genuine concern, "I'm sorry, Laur, did we wake you up?"

"Uh, obviously not. I'm still sleeping soundly. This is all an illusion." Lauren's voice drips with sarcasm.

Truthfully, they didn't. At least, not their giggling or whatever noise they could have possibly made. But Lauren would swear to anyone that she has developed an allergic reaction to Shawn, that even if she's half-dead, she would wake up from her coma just so she could get the hell away from him. Maybe it's his too-strong creepy sugar daddy perfume, or the baby powder he obviously uses (there are patches of white powder on his nape), or maybe she just hates him so much that her body automatically rejects his presence, like an antibody against a bacteria or a virus.

She gets out of bed, completely ignoring Camila and her boy toy, feeds Camren, then goes to the bathroom.

When she comes out, all freshened up, she takes a peek at what the two dumbos are watching.

"Nice... I'd bang them both... at the same time." Lauren smirks, winking at Camila who frowns at her disdainfully.

"Ew, Lauren." An unusually weak response from Camila.


"Well, don't be jealous, Camzzi. I'd bang you, too, if you want." Lauren smirks. "But I draw the line with Scrawny Prawny here, sorry, I don't do Pillsbury Dough Boys."

Shawn only mildly frowns at Lauren's comment, almost used to her behavior and he's too much of a gentleman to argue with her, while Camila looks at her with pursed lips but doesn't say anything.

Well, that's weird, Lauren thinks. Camila would have been blowing steam through her ears by now.

Lauren eyes Camila weirdly, while Camila returns the favor. Choosing to ignore her unusual indifference to her crude humor, Lauren chuckles her way to the pantry to make a cup of coffee.

She hears Shawn whisper to Camila, "Why is your roommate always rude?" and she tells him that Lauren just needs her morning coffee to remember her manners.

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