Chapter 30: Something's Gotta Give

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Camila's PoV

This past week has been a blur. It's like time passes by too quickly that before I can even take a single step, the days come and go, and it's like I'm in slow motion while the rest of the world moves too quickly and my mind can't grasp what's happening and I don't feel anything but that vague feeling of hours ticking by while my feet seem stuck in a quick sand.

That's how I am when I'm worried about something. I obsess too much while I try to function normally, but then everything feels forgettable. Like my mind is all over the place, and at the same it's not.

All I know is I spent a big chunk of my time eating bananas, playing with my guitar, spending time with Sofi, hanging out with Shawn as we rekindle our romantic relationship (thank god for him, he's such a welcome distraction), and checking my phone. One, to see if Lauren has replied to my message (she hasn't yet), and two, to check on her updates on Instagram.

Pathetic, right?

Here I am, rotting in my bed, refreshing Lauren's IG page every few minutes just to see if she has uploaded any new pictures, when I could have been there with her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I chose to be with Shawn and my sister, I feel like it's a good decision, but a part of me still wishes I could have been taking photos of elephants in Thailand, or be in that vibrant festival in Cuba (in which Lauren looked absolutely stunning wearing a flower crown and looking so carefree in the middle of the crowd as she seems to be dancing with a local girl). I could have been there.

Instead, I'm bouncing my leg against the edge of my bed as I keep on refreshing and refreshing, feeling guilty that I swiped away notifications of Shawn's text messages just because I see that Lauren has posted a new photo.


It's a black and white picture of Lauren with a boy.

Who is this?

I quickly scroll down to check the captions. Seriously? Now she chooses to just put a single green heart emoji, and nothing else? Really? No tags, no long ass captions detailing every little shit she did that day, now it's just one green heart as if that explains everything?

To be fair, I think they're cute. The guy looks shady, though. Like a pervert. I hope Lauren stays away from him. I could never trust a guy with a beard. Beards are gross. Beards are unnecessary. It scratches my face, so it's a big no no no no no noooo for me. I want silky smooth skin, it's my only requirement for a good make-out session. Just like Lauren's -- err, what am I saying -- I meant, that's why Shawn doesn't have any beard, because I asked him not to grow one. Although, I lowkey think he's unable to grow any facial hair even if he wanted to, my sweet angelic boy.

Oh, an IG story! Of Lauren in her green bathing suit... Fuck. She looks awesome. I hope she used some sunscreen, though, because she burns too quickly. I mean, just a few minutes under the sun and she turns into a lobster. A cute lobster, though.

Okay, you know what, I'm done! I don't need to see this.

I throw away my phone, cringing when it bounced from my bed to the carpet with a dull thud.

All I want is a little response from her. I wrote her a novella of an apology letter and sent it twice and in different apps. I just want to know she's okay. Well, she looks okay, basing from all her photos, duh, but like, is she mad at me? Are we okay? I can't sleep properly. My phone is basically glued to my hand, waiting for her response... well, not currently, obviously, as my phone is face down on my floor and I refuse to get up and pick it up.

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