Chapter 44: We're Not Lovers...

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It's only been Week One since school year has started, yet Camila is already nursing a throbbing headache and it's not even because of school work. No, it's because a certain green-eyed prankster has swapped her stash of bananas with a basket full of cucumbers and a box of condoms.

What a freaking amazing welcome party. And to think Camila even bothered bringing Lauren some homemade pecan pie her mother has baked (Camila told Sinu it's for Shawn, that's why she made it extra special) as an act of goodwill and friendship. Camila now regrets that she hasn't poisoned it, or at least, spat on it.

It's so unbelievable how quick the shifts are in their friendship; how just two weeks ago they were cuddling in Lauren's bedroom, falling asleep while holding hands, now, they're back in their dorm room, bickering like an old married couple who hate each other but are too lazy to even file for divorce.

Camila thinks Room 727 is cursed. It changes who they are when they're inside it; this is not them, or at least, this is not her. Now, Lauren wouldn't even listen to her because she's too busy playing with the damn fish with the judgmental eyes.

"Lauren, could you stop tapping on Camren's tank for one damn minute and listen to me!?"

Running her hand against her hair in an annoyed manner, Lauren sighs loudly as if to let it be known without an ounce of doubt that what she's doing is too important for anyone to bother her.

"Look, I'm having quality time with my fish. She needs to feel loved especially since she just started talking to me again," she huffs.

"How -- what? -- ugh, the fish can't even talk to you, Lauren! Unless you can understand the language of bubbles!"

"I was talking about body language, genius."

"Here's an idea -- how about you watch my body language --"

"Oh, now we're talking..." Lauren turns to her and blatantly ogles at her body.

"Not that way, perv!"

"Well, then, I'm not interested." She goes back to tapping Camren's tank.

Camila may be all sorts of timid and subservient most of the time, but being ignored by Lauren tends to rile her up a lot. She's not sure why, but something inside her seethes whenever Lauren purposely ignores her, like a voice inside her tells her that she shouldn't let that happen and she needs to let Lauren know who the boss is around here.

She wasn't like this before. Yes, she constantly fought with Lauren, but she tends to get intimidated a lot before, especially when Lauren starts to impinge on her personal space. Now, it's different; it's like something in her is rising, clawing from the bottom all the way to the top. This something needs to be heard, and as much as Camila tries to fight it, it's getting stronger as days pass by.

Without even realizing what she's doing, she grabs the biggest cucumber her hand could reach, grips it tightly as she growls the words, "I said..." she squints her eyes, imagining a bulls eye mark at the back of Lauren's head, "listen to me," she raises her hand, "for one," aims at the imaginary bulls eye, "goddamn second," and she throws the cucumber the same second Lauren decides to stand up and turn around to face her again, hitting her on her left boob. "Oops, sorry!"

"What the fuck!" Lauren squeaks while clutching her breast, bending down as if in severe pain. She glowers at her, then picks up the cucumber and throws it back so fast that Camila couldn't even think of swerving, hitting her dead center on the forehead.

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