Chapter 1 - Bethany

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"Ugh, what class do we have next?" I groaned as I walked out of the English classroom. After a boring lecture about the how "Romeo and Juliet's death was not caused by fate, but by their own immature actions" by none other than Mr. Leache (Yeah, ironic name, isn't it?), I was just about ready for the day to be over.

"Don't worry, we've only got one class left today- Gym," My friend, Ally, smiled at me. I smiled back, knowing I was staying at her house tonight.

"Uuuuuuuuuuugh," I groaned even more and slumped my shoulders. I loathed gym, even more so than English. Though, I didn't hate it because I was terrible at it... But, because I was too good at sports. It singled me out.

"Hey, maybe she won't call on you today!" Ally, the ever cheerful and positive child, smiled with sparkles that could put France to shame.

"Let's hope," I attempted to smile back, but it just looked like a grimace of sorts.


"Bethany, will you help me?" Ms. Bella grinned at me and held out her hand. I groaned inwardly and walked up to her, easily catching the basketball she tossed to me. Ally looked at me sympathetically as the rest of the class rolled their eyes at "Bella's favorite helper".

Ms. Bella explained what we were doing in gym, but I was too distracted to pay attention. Something was bothering me, but I had no clue what it was. My instincts were urging me to run for it, as if a dark and threatening cloud hung overhead.

All of a sudden, a wave of nausea flew over me. This only happens when something bad is about to happen, I thought to myself, What on earth could be triggering this?! I pressed my hand against my forehead, trying to ease the headache that was causing my sickness.

"Bethany... are you okay?" Ms. Bella asked in a calm voice, and rubbed her hand against my back. 

My breathing became labored, but I was able to take in my surroundings. Something seemed very wrong... And it stemmed from two boys, Bradley and Trey. Somehow, I sensed an evil presence coming from them. It was unsettling... But at the same time, it was saddening.

"The Exorcist is down. Do you think we could go through with it now, Trey?" Bradley smirked, light never reaching his eyes. He seemed to be hiding something, something that none of us could comprehend.

"Of course," Trey's expression mimicked Bradley's. They turned towards the class, and the most stunningly strange moment of my entire life occurred.

They turned into akuma.

"Wha-What the heck is that?!" My teacher screamed, "Run! I don't know what it is, but we have to get out of here!" Ms. Bella picked me up from my spot on the ground, and sprinted towards the doors with me.

"Beth... Is that what I think it is...?" Ally rushed to my side, and caught Ms. Bella's attention.

"You know what it is?!" Her eyes switched between myself and Ally, almost condescending. She was obviously suspicious of us.

"They're... Akuma." Ally replied in my place, since I couldn't respond even if I wanted to, "Weapons made to kill people and level up... Honestly, I didn't think they existed!"  

The teacher's response was cut off by the frantic screaming of a student nearby, "Ms. Bella! The doors are all locked! We're trapped!" Their voice cracked halfway through their sentence. Panic began to set in. Students' screeches of terror echoed off the walls as akuma's bullets, though often missing their targets, pierced the skin and killed helpless children.

The blood burned under my skin. Something inside of me was itching to come out. It was calling for a fight, a battle... Against the akuma.


A voice echoed in my conscience, her voice soft and sweet but influential all the same. My head throbbed, and a pain so overwhelmingly strong surged over me like a river. I clawed at my skull, hoping that I could relieve the pressure that was building itself up.

Wh-Who's there?! I answered, confused.


Her voice repeated my name, another throb exploding within my brain. My blood rushed in my veins with a fiery rush, leaving a burning feeling throughout my body.

Answer me!



I felt something snap within me. A rush of power flowed into me, knowledge filling my entire being. As if I'd always known how, words poured out of my mouth as if I'd always known how to say them. 

And those words... Changed my life forever.

"Innocence, activate!"


Edited: March 3, 2015

 Thanks for reading!

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out <3!

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