Chapter 5 - Bethany

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I looked at my claw in wonder. It looked slightly different than last time- The crystal had green veins of innocence flowing through it, forming a very strange but beautiful weapon.

"Oh my gosh..." A single voice rang out. I realized it was Allen's.

"Woah," Another voice sounded amazed.

"Well, I think we've found ourselves a couple of Exorcists!" Komui sang. I stared at him in wonder. How could Komui be so NORMAL (Well, Komui's version of normal) in this situation?!

"Beth, I don't know what's with your Innocence, but It's pretty dang cool!" Tori gave me another hug. Again, no flinching.

"C'mon, let's see if you have any problems with your Innocences!" Lenalee smiled kindly. I smiled back and linked arms with Tori. It was then that I realized that I still had my black clothes on and that Tori still had her pink (BLEGH) clothes on. I noticed because they were DIRTY AS HECK. I decided to ignore this fact.

After awhile, I got really bored and started whispering to Tori.

"How much longer do you think we'll be walking?" I asked.

"Not much, I think we're almost to Komui's science rooms..." She answered.

"Did you memorize the layout of this place?"


"I did too, if you're worried I'll judge."

"Yeah.... Why are you asking me, then?"

"I dunno...."

"We're here!" Lenalee replied, smiling again.

"Thanks! And please," I stated, "Will you tell me your name?"

"Lenalee," She replied, "And the guy with the darkish-purple hair was my brother, Komui, the guy with reddish orange hair was Lavi, and the guy with white hair is Allen." I, of course, knew this, but I didn't want to call them by name and have them wonder where I heard their names.

"Thank you, it's good to know names!" Tori grinned at her.

"Well, I wish you luck!" Lenalee called as she walked away. Komui greeted us with a mad scientist grin and I was slightly concerned...

"Who's first, who's first?" Komui asked us, then pulled Tori to the side.

"Help me!" She mouthed, and I pulled Komui's hands off her. I said, "Me first."

"Okay!" He sang. He checked out my arm, trying to figure out my Innocence.

"Um.... I have no idea what your Innocence is..." He said after ten minutes of prodding.

"NO KIDDING!" I was annoyed by then.

"Well, I don't think that you need any repairs anyways. Neeeext?" Komui grinned at Tori. I placed one hand protectively on her shoulder, then glared at Komui to say that if he went over-the-top with any repair, that he wouldn't have a soul in the morning, if ya know what I mean >:D.

Unfazed by my glare, he looked at Tori's tattoos.

"Nothing's wrong!" He sang again, then suddenly jabbed her arms with a numbing substance. I growled like a feral animal and almost attacked him, then remembered- "Otaku rule two-hundred-twenty-- If somehow transported into anime world, one must never attack a character unless it's the main antagonist."

Taking advantage of me being distracted, Komui jabbed a needle into both of my arms before I could protest. Leading me and Tori to the elevator, he shoved us on before I could see who was on it with us. Once we were making a steady descent, I took inventory who was with us- Lenalee, Lavi, Allen, and Komui. Tori and I glared at Komui and he turned to see where we were. He jumped when he saw me.

"Holy crap!" That was the first time I'd ever heard Tori say anything that wasn't polite or nice.

"What is it?!" I was greatly concerned.

"Your eyes..." Tori started "...Your eyes changed color. They turned dark green for a moment."


Everyone laughed. Mission accomplished.


We reached the lowest level where Hevlaska always was, and she came and picked up Tori. Tori struggled for a moment, but realized it was Hevlaska and stopped wiggling. I could see her smile kindly at the creature (is Hevlaska a man or a woman? IDk). Hevlaska started reading out random numbers:

"4%....11%....33%....56%....67%...81%! Your maximum synchronization rate is 81%. Not bad, Victoria," Hevlaska smiled. She then whispered something to Tori that made her eyes widen slightly, but it happened so fast that no one else noticed. I grinned at her, happy for my best friend.

Hevlaska then moved to pick me up. I have to say, it was the BEST FEELING EVER! I felt like I was floating in midair, flying through the sky. Hevlaska felt my Innocence and started counting numbers in order to reach my percentage:

"2%...16%...22%...43%...68%...77%...94%! Your maximum synchronization rate is 94%," Hevlaska smiled at me, then brought her voice to a whisper and said, "I'm sorry that you have to hide this, but your real maximum synchronization rate is 142%. Do nottell anyone about this, except Victoria."

"Why?" I whispered back.

"The world's fate depends on it. Besides, if you had such a high synchro rate, then you would become a general and never get to do anything with Tori. Am I wrong?" She asked with a slight smugness in her voice.

"No, you're not. Thank you, Hevlaska." I smiled.

"How long are you going to spend up there, Bethany?" Komui yelled.

"Sorry, Hevlaska was telling me something about saving the world," I grinned at them, "And because I love playing hero, I'll believe all of it!"

They all laughed. I'm an amusing person.

"Hevlaska, let her down from there! She has a mission to go on!" Lenalee called.

"Please," I whispered as Hevlaska furrowed her (his?) eyebrows and concentrated. She (He? OKAY, I DONT CARE ANYMORE) gasped and stared at me. I began to glow green, and I realized that my own blood veins were the things glowing. My eyes widened as I watched my entire self glow. As if posessed, I spread my arms and whispered a single word-

"Apocryphos." And with that, I fainted.


I have to say, I wasn't expecting to write that.... Yay, surprise plot twists! And, SURPRISE CLIFFHANGERS!

I was thinking about making the next chapter Tori's POV. I haven't done much of Tori's POV because... well... Bethany's part is easier for me to write because she's literally a matching definition of my personality- Sarcastic, funny, pretends to be full of herself, slightly bipolar, et cetera. Tori's personality is almost the opposite from mine, so I have no idea how to write some things. We'll see how next chapter goes!

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out!

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