Chapter 10 - Tori

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I walked out of the Black Order HQ in my new robes. Lavi had given them to me a little earlier, Komui's orders. I guess the guy's just too busy.

"You ready?" Lavi asked me, his mood foul.

"Sure!" I smiled. People always said my smile made others feel better.

I guess what they all said was true, because Lavi smiled back. He pushed off from the docks, and kept... I guess you could call it "rowing", but it was more like "pushing-from-the-bottom-of-the-lake". I'm sure there's a specific word for it, but I don't know that word, so I won't use it.

Lavi "rowed" in silence, and I decided to take a page from Bethany's book- TROLOLOLOLO.

"So.... You like Bethany?" I wiggled my eyebrows. Lavi blushed and didn't meet my eyes.

"She's just playing hard to get, ya know. I think she likes you too," I had to revert to my old, complimenting, bright side. Lavi grinned at my comment.

"Really?" He looked eager...

"I think so! If you really like her, then you have to play on her soft side." I laughed inwardly. Bethany doesn't really have a soft side, and even I don't even know what her soft side is (and I know more about her than anyone else in this world...)...........

"And what exactly is Bethany's soft side?" I'm pretty sure I just answered this, but I guess that was only in my head... Oh well!

"I have absolutely no idea!" I replied brightly. Lavi just sighed.

"I guess I'll just have to figure it out myself." Lavi finished, then stopped talking to me until we reached our train station where we met our finder, Gryphon.


"So, Gryphon. Do you have any idea what we're doing?" I asked him, hoping he'd be able to help me figure some of this out (since Lavi's been ignoring me since I told him that I had no idea what Bethany's soft side was.).

"We have to go to East Asia. There's been sightings of groups of akuma migrating that way and we believe there's an Innocence in the area." Gryphon explained.

I smiled at him and said, "Thanks!"

Gryphon smiled back and left the compartment. Lavi was still engrossed in the pamphlet, and all I could think was, "This'll be a long train ride." And with that, I fell asleep.


"...ri!...ori!...TORI!" Lavi yelled, shaking my arm.

"WUZZHAPPIN'?!" I slurred, still half asleep. Lavi just stared at me, putting a finger in front of his lips. He pointed at the sky, and I realized that the train no longer had a roof.

How did I sleep through that?! I asked myself, then scolded, You shouldn't have fallen asleep anyways! Bad Tori!

Lavi gave me a look that said, ((We're going to attack.))

I replied in kind, When?

He counted on his fingers- 5...4...3...2...1!

"INNOCENCE, ACTIVATE!" We screamed at the same time. The hundreds of akuma noticed us, and we started attacking. Several of the Level 1's were stupid enough to run straight into my claws. The Level 2s, however, decided to carefully plan their way to capture us instead of straight-out killing us.

"The girl might be the Heart!" They whispered.

I just raised an eyebrow and yelled, "Bethany would sooner be the Heart then me!" And I clawed through four wolf-akuma. The remaining Level 2 akuma backed off, and waited until I had at least twenty Level 1s attacking me for them to point their sights on me. One got behind my back, and Lavi took care of it.

"Thanks!" I screamed over the sound of dying akuma.

"No problem!" He screamed back. He decided that enough was enough and activated his Innocence Level 2.

Now, to censor what Lavi said, we'll just say a firey snake came from DOWNSTAIRS and started attacking the akuma. Eventually, only about fifteen or so Level 2s were left. Lavi grinned and ran into the crowd. I picked off the ones on the outside so Lavi wouldn't have to worry about them. All of a sudden, they stopped their focus on Lavi and turned to me. It was then I realized that Lavi was laying on the ground in the middle of the akuma, lifeless.

I was enraged.

"Innocence, HELP ME!" I screamed, and my fingers turned into moving vines. I grinned at it, then swung the vines around three of the akuma. They all blew up, and I moved on to the next few. Eventually, every one of them was dead, and Lavi was left staring at me with a disbelieving expression. I thought, Innocence, thank you. Decativate!

"Nice *cough* moves," Lavi coughed up a little bit of blood.

"Stop talking, Lavi! What would Bethany say if you died?!" I glared at him as the train's conductor stared at me in shock. I looked desprately at the crowd of passengers.

"Is anyone a doctor?!" I pleaded. One man's hand shot up, and he walked out towards Lavi.

"Where's he hurt?" The man asked kindly.

"On the side. He's bleeding badly," I felt like crying. The doctor noticed this and gave me a hug that was really similar to the way that Bethany gave me hugs. I looked into his eyes and saw that they were silver, like Bethany's.

"You look like you're recognizing someone. Who might you be thinking about?" The doctor asked, then laughed, "Could you possibly be thinking about my daughter, Bethany?"


WOOOOOOOOOOOAH THERE, DID WE JUST MEET BETHANY'S DAD?! Is he the same abusive person as the one that hurt Bethany in Tori and Bethany's world? If so, is he out to get Bethany?

Even I don't know yet, but all I know is that next chapter is going to be a Bethany chapter, and not a Tori chapter, so you won't know anything for awhile! I'm so eeevil, BWAHAHA!

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out! <33

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