Chapter 18 - Tori

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I can't be captured so that they get Bethany! Please, Innocence, help me! 

:Of course, Mistress.: 

"INNOCENCE, VINE WEB!" I screamed. Half of the akuma were entangled in my huge spiderweb made out of, well, vines.

"What?!" Tyki looked surprised.

"That's what happens when you try to catch me!" I yelled behind me where Mister Tyki-Trolling-Mikk sat on a rock, twiddling his thumbs, waiting for Lavi to be murdered and me to be captured.

"Well, I have hundreds more at my disposal! You can't keep fighting forever, Exorcist-chan!" Trollin' Tyki sounded slightly nervous.

"For Bethany, I can!" I raised my voice so that Tyki could hear me.

I used my spiderweb trap again and again, each time the web shrunk. 

:Mistress, I don't know how much more of Vine Web we can take!: 

We have to keep going! For Bethany! 

:Mistress, as much as I would like to disagree, I want to protect Bethany as well. We shall continue.: 

You sound like Sebastian. 


No, I was just thinking that you sound a lot like someone else from another anime with all the "Mistress" stuff...

:Of course, Mistress. Would you happen to be thinking of Black Butler?: 

Yes. Now, we HAVE TO continue fighting, or else... I'll be used to capture Bethany! Not to mention Lavi, who'll probably die!

:Yes, my lady. Let us work together, Mistress.: 

Call me Tori. 

:Excuse me, Mistress? It is not my place to call you by your name!: 

Fine. Call me "Lady Tori" if it matters that much. But I don't want to be "Mistress". 

:Of course, Lady Tori.: 

"INNOCENCE WEB!" I screamed, my Innocence's femanine voice coming out with mine. The web grew in size and destroyed most of the akuma.

The problem is, it took the rest of my energy.

:My Lady!:  

Innocence, are you okay? 

:I am fine! Lady Tori, you are exausted!: 

I-I'll be fine....

Lavi was shaking me as my vision faded.

"Please... Don't kill Lavi. He's precious to Bethany too..." My voice trailed off as Tyki quickly defeated Lavi and had a Level 1 akuma hold him on it's head.

"And I am going to carry you, little Exorcist, to the Millennium Earl." Tyki's voice was slowly getting quieter and quieter...

The last thing I saw before my vision faded completely was Ben running away from the crowd of akuma and back to the village.


:...ri! TORI!: 

...Uuuuuugh, my head hurts. 

:Tori- I mean, Lady Tori, are you alright?!: 

Hey, you called me by my first name! 

:I am so very sorry, Lady Tori!: 

No, please... Use my first name from now on. 

"Tori?! You're awake!" Lavi yelled from another box-cage.

Wait... BOX?! 

That's when I realized I'd failed Bethany.

I got myself captured. 

"Oh, little Tori ♥," A new voice entered, "You were such a trouble to catch ♥. So many akuma♥ were killed by your Innocence♥!" The Earl's voice rang out. It was so silly... His voice didn't match his position in life AT ALL.

:Blegh, I don't like the Earl.:

I like the you with emotions more than I like the you WITHOUT emotions. 

:Of course, mistress.: I could tell that my Innocence was joking.

Do you have a name? 

:No, I'll let you choose one for me soon. But listen to the Millennium Earl, he might have something important to say.: 

"...trapped in a little cage ♥made by our very own-" He was saying, until I cut him off.

"Let me guess, did Road make these?" I asked.

The Earl looked slightly surprised, then answered, "Yes, she did♥!"

"I'm not surprised," I said softly. Lavi just stared at me, then looked back at the Earl.

"Since you know that, do you know where we are right now♥?" Millennie asked, grinnin- Oh wait, he's always got that smug grin on his face... Poor guy, he looks so silly that no one would have been able to take him seriously if he wasn't the guy who made all the akuma...

I took in the surroundings. It was the table where the Noah and the Earl always met, with the guy who was like "THIS EGG NO SWEET ENOUGH" and .... Wow, I'm spending too much time around Bethany. Her randomness has rubbed off on me.

"It's the Ark, isn't it?" I stared right into his glowing yellow eyes. They were filled with evil.

"Correct again♥!" He giggled. He was so harmless when he wasn't hurting people... Geez, I think way too nicely about these people...

"Tori.... How do you know all this?" Lavi was confused.

"As I said before... It's like I read a book." I answered cryptically. Lavi just looked at me, confused, then turned back to the Earl.

"What do you want with us?!" He yelled.

"Lavi!" I looked at him sadly, "We're bait for Bethany."


AWWW SNAP, TORI'S CAPTURED! What'll Bethany say when she finds out?


This is Flaming_Rose, signing out♥!

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