Chapter 8 - Bethany

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Kanda stormed into the room. My inner fangirl squealed and told me to run up and hug him. For a second, I was tempted to do so, and Tori looked like she was struggling as well. I met her eyes, and she calmed my inner fangirl. The look in her eyes told me, Not a good idea, Beth. I gave her a pleading look that said, Awww, but please? and her response was a glare that could have scared a wild boar out of hiding.

"Why do I have to stay here?!" Kanda yelled at Komui.

"Because," Komui sang, "You're injured. Besides, I want to test the new girls' strength!"

"I thought I already did that," I muttered. Kanda somehow heard it and glared at me.

"What, it's frickin' true!" and the only reply I got from Kanda-chan was a "Tch".

"OKAY, THAT'S IT!" I screamed and ran up to Kanda. I grabbed him in a huge bear hug and ignored Tori's "Bethany, no!". Kanda looked completely shocked and tried to drag me off of him, but I wouldn't let go. He even brought out Mugen, but my crystal formed around my entire body and blocked each of his strikes.

"GET HER OFF OF ME!" Kanda was enraged, but everyone was just rolling on the floor, laughing.

"Wow...Kanda!" Allen said between gasps.

" be...nice!" Lavi started cracking up again.

Tori snapped a picture with her phone so quickly that no one but me noticed. I grinned at Kanda's angry face, and whispered into his ear, "Be careful, Second Exorcist, or they might just find out about you." and I let go.

Kanda stared at me like I just grew another eye, then turned from me with a "Tch."

The four others stared at me as well, but instead of having grown a third eye, they looked at me with renewed respect.


"Ohmygosh, I didn't think you'd actually hug Kanda!" Tori squealed as soon as Lenalee showed us our rooms, which were right next to eachother. Her's was designed with light pink walls and a sky blue bed with white swirls on it (the swirls kind-of looked like the tattoos on her arms). I hated her style of walls (I LOATHE PINK), but her full sized bed wasn't bad. There was a light blue throw rug by her bed, and the dark stained wooden floors made the covers and walls pop. In a corner, there was a single wooden dresser. Other then that, her room was plain. AKA the opposite of my room. But we'll figure that out later.

So basically, we were sitting in Tori's room. She had seen my dislike for pink, and she told me that she herself didn't like the color, but her room at home looked like this and she felt less homesick with her room painted in light pink. We hadn't been in my room yet, but Tori wanted to go in.

I was completely astonished.

"HOLY FRICKIN CRAP THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!" I was jumping up and down, squealing like a little girl who just won a puppy. Yes, a puppy. My walls were dark blue, black, and white. Well, the majority of the room was white so I wouldn't feel like I was swimming, but 1/3 of my walls were striped with black and midnight blue. My comforter covering my full sized bed was the same shade of blue as my walls with black and white designs alternating on the front. My sheets were black, and my pillow covers were black and white striped (not like a zebra's, though.). I noticed that there was a midnight blue shag rug on the floor in front of my bed, and several exotic paintings hanging on my walls. There was a white desk in the corner, and a white-with-black-drawers dresser. My floor was a dark-ish light-ish stain so that my walls wouldn't look awkward and so that my rug and bed wouldn't blend into the floor. This room was frickin perfect.

"Oh my gosh, this room COMPLETELY matches your personality!" Tori gave me a hug. Geez, this hug thing must be rubbing off on me :L.

"Thanks," I smiled kindly. Tori seemed slightly startled, then returned the smile with an even warmer one.

"What's with all the screamin- Oh," Lavi walked by, "I get it now."

"Yeah, my room is AWESOME!" I said, then saw a certain lustful look in his eye, "Lavi... is something up?"

"What? No, no! E-everythings fine!" He stuttered nervously. I knew that he probably liked me, so I thought, Hey, why don't I play hard to get? And with that, I gave him a hug. His cheeks flushed with red, and I gave him a mischevous smile. He grinned back, then went to kiss me. I dodged it, and raised an eyebrow. He made a slightly pouty face, and then it turned into determination. With that, he walked off.

"Beth, I think Lavi's into you," Tori grinned.

"Yup! I know," I grinned back, but it was mischevous.

Tori gave me a look that said, Don't you dare break his heart.

I responded in kind, Me? Heartbreaker? Nah, I don't even know how. After all, I've always been a member of #ForeverAloneClub...

Tori just laughed like she actually understood my thoughts, I guess that my actions cued her on. She gave another look that said, I had an abusive boyfriend. He was a jerk and I dumped him. Well, in my mind I did, since I didn't have a chance to do so before I left... Her face had lit up, and fallen, so I just assumed she would have said something like that. Geez, I was right on the money for that one...

"Hey," Allen walked into my new room, "Nice place."

"Thanks," I responded, "But I guess I can't stay here for very long. Don't we have a mission to go on?"

"Yeah, I was coming to get you," Allen gave a small smile, "Are you ready to go?"

"Um... Almost. I just need to find Komui to get my Exorcist outfit thing," I grinned.

"Oh...... Um..." Allen's face blushed a little, "Komui asked me to give it to you."

"Great!" My face lit up at the sight of the robes, "Now get out so I can change. Tori, just use the door connecting our rooms, okay?" I gave her a No-You-Don't-Have-A-Choice kind of facial expression, and watched her leave. I locked both doors, and started at the clothes. ((I'M NOT GOING TO RE-DESCRIBE THEM. JUST GO BACK TO CHAPTER 0 IF YOU CARE THAT MUCH)).

"Hm... This'll take time to get used to," I said with a sigh as I pulled on the new clothes and took off my old, officially dubbing myself an Exorcist.


Yay! I wonder where the girls are going next? Why did Komui separate them to go on missions? Why is Bethany with Allen when Lavi obviously loves her? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?!

I myself don't know yet. I'm just "YOLO"-ing this story.

That being said, BYEEEE!

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out <3

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