Chapter 15 - Bethany

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"Oh. My. Frickin'. GOSH!!!!!" I ran up to the fat man we all know and love, the Millennium Earl, and gave him a huge hug. Call me an idiot, I don't care. Every fangirl knows that one must take advantage of a situation like this.

"That's for being the only antagonist that has somehow accomplished looking awesome even as a fat man with a pink umbrella!" I squeezed him harder, and he actually patted me on the head a few times. I internally squealed with happiness.

Oh who am I kidding? I externally squealed with happiness. And then...

My bipolar insticts kicked in and I punched a very confused Earl in the face.


"Um... Bethany? Back away..." Allen warned.

"Bro, I can take care of myself," I grinned at him. The Earl looked slightly surprised to see him, but I just cut his response off before he could even say it in a bored voice, "Yeah, yeah. Millennie, you don't like Allen because- Wait, you don't know that yet! I can't tell youuuuu~" I taunted.

"What do you mean♥?" The Earl asked.

I just made a "hehe I know more than youuu!" face and said, "Can't tell ya!"

"Why can't you say ♥?" He grinned (Oh wait... He's always grinning...).

"Becauuuuse~~~!" I continued taunting.

Now, the Earl wasn't happy with that.

"Could a few akuma~ loosen your tongue ♥?" He raised his fat right hand to the sky, and about 50 akuma appeared. And that caused panick. {SOOO CLICHEEEEE!!!}

Uuuuugh. I don't like fighting in panicked streets. Scratch that- I HATE, no, LOATHE fighting in panicked streets.

The akuma started attacking the people, but Allen and I kept them from finding their target. After about half an hour of killing akuma and getting nowhere, as the Earl just kept adding more to the crowd (therefore the number of akuma wasn't going down, in fact, it was increasing!), I was just plain frustrated.

"OKAY, I'M DONE WITH THIS CRAP!" I screamed, making hand gestures as I did so, "FIRST, THERES HAVOC IN THE STREET MAKING IT HARD TO FIGHT THE AKUMA AS WELL AS DEFEND THE CITEZENS," I never realized that the fighting had altogether stopped to listen to my rant, "AND YOU *points finger at Earl* ARE NOT HELPING! YOU JUST KEEP ADDING THE AKUMA AND I'M SICK OF IT!"

"Hehe~ ♥, Does that mean that you're quitting ♥?" Millennie laughed.

I paused for a moment, collecting myself, then looked him in the eyes, my own glowing a faint green.

"Me? Quit?" I raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, but if you think that you can get rid of me that quickly, then you've got your facts WRONG!" I yelled the last word. I then proceeded to ask:

Innocence, I need you. Will you please help me destroy this?

<Of course.>


<Oh, I guess you didn't realize. I'm your Innocence.>

Bro that's awesome.

<Well, I'm glad that you have a sense of humor! All the other possible accomidators... They just didn't have a sense of humor :D.>

Aww, thanks <3!

<I wasn't expecting you to hug the Earl, just so you know. It felt disgusting.>

I know... It's just... I HAD to take advantage of that situation!

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