Chapter 2 - Tori

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A hand shoved the back of my head towards my locker, slamming my forehead against the metal surface.

"Ouch," I rubbed the wound, praying it wouldn't bruise, and turned around. My attacker stood behind me with a smirk drawn across his tanned face.

"Hey, kid," His voice sounded threatening and hostile. I had no clue what I'd done to enrage him this time, but I knew I was in for a world of trouble.

"W-what do you need, Blake?" I stuttered timidly, pushing my back against the surface behind me. Panic began to set in as the fury in Blake's eyes flamed.

"Well you see," Blake spun around for a moment, and paced towards the lockers on the opposite side of the hallway before turning to face me once me, "My English teacher told me that if I don't bring up my grade in her class I'll have to take it again over the summer... And we don't want that, do we?" His cruel gaze met my own, spurring my fear even more.

"N-no!" I shook my head, "What c-can I do?" Personally, I'd never cared about his grades- after all, they were the product of his effort- but I had to play along so I wouldn't be hurt.

"Hm... How about a ten-page essay? You can have it done by fifth hour tomorrow, right?" An easygoing smirk wrote itself across his face, a look I'd gotten used to over the years. His impossible task hung over my head like a thundercloud, but I couldn't refuse.

"Yes, of course..." My voice trailed off. How the h*ll was I supposed to get this essay completed by tomorrow?! I suppose I'll have to skip my own homework tonight, hopefully I won't get too much... I thought to myself, I'll have to make the essay at least worthy of a B... No, better get an A. I wouldn't want to risk not giving Blake something unsatisfactory... 

"Good," Blake nodded, and walked off, "And you better not let me down, Tori... Or else." He didn't need to add anything else to his words in order to get his message across. I understood perfectly.

As soon as Blake disappeared around the corner, I slumped to the ground and pressed my head against the cold metal of the locker behind me. What had I ever done to deserve this? I'd at least tried to be a good person... Thoughts rushed through my mind before a wave of nausea blocked any other thoughts.

A scream towards my left rang through the hallways. Immediately, I stood up. Dizzying blood rushed to my head, but I ignored the feeling. Someone was in trouble, and I felt obligated to save them... For some reason...

I searched for a weapon. I looked around me, finding only an ink-less pen and a mechanical pencil with a single piece of .7 lead in it, and noticed that I didn't have my gloves on. I was surprised- Why hadn't I put my gloves on this morning? They always hid my tattoo on my right arm, the one that looked like vines crawling it's way up to my shoulder. The tattoo wrapped each and every finger, and formed a moon shape in the center of the palm of my hand. I looked at it in once more, and shook my head. 

I picked up the mechanical pencil and sprinted over to the location of the screams. There was s crowd of people huddled in a corner, eyes sparkling with fear. I looked around to see what was causing said fear, and I saw the accursed creature.

"Akuma." I whispered.

It looked surprised to see a scrawny girl appear and that I knew what it was.

"..." It didn't say, since Level Ones are mute... Well, most of the time.

"What a surprise," It actually spoke. I was slightly amused by it's tone of voice, it actually sounded kind-of like the Earl.

"Indeed. I never expected to find something like you here," I replied, no humor in my voice.

It had no other comments. I started to see a pink glow emitting from it, and I saw a chained girl, her cuffs causing her pain. I could tell who it was- Alice Newberry, a boy named Reece's late girlfriend. She died in a car crash caused by Reece himself, and he had been mourning her death, blaming himself. A stray tear leaked onto my cheek as I watched her cry, screaming "Why, Reece?! Why?!".

A thump slammed into my head. 


A voice echoed in my head. Her voice was harsh but kind at the same time. And, oddly enough, it seemed almost familar...?

Who... What... Why...? 


Who are you?! What are you doing in my head?! I screamed at it, unsure of how else I should react. After all, it's not every day you find yourself to have a second voice in your head.



I rush of power filled my body, as I remembered a skill I'd had all my life... But had somehow forgotten.

"I will save you... Alice!" I yelled.

"Innocence, activate!"


Yay! Chapter 2! Welcome Tori to the party!

Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm not all that enthusiastic. This is the SECOND TIME I've written this chapter :LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL But I think I wrote it better this time. I think. {{LOL THIRD TIME RE-WRITING!!! XDDDD But it's like a year later so it's okay~]]

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out :P

{{Edited: March 4th 2015}}

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