Chapter 14 - Tori

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I woke up with a brand new mustache and beard. Blame Lavi, it's his fault....

"WHERE DID YOU GET THE MARKER?!" I yelled, but innerly laughing.

"Um... I found it... In my pocket..." Lavi responded, then grinned.

"Please tell me this isn't permanent marker... Please tell me this is permanent marker," I mumbled to myself as I rubbed at the stains on my skin with water.

"It's not permanent marker," Lavi laughed aloud.

"Better not be," I whispered to myself again, then continued to rub at my face with soapy water, and the majority of the black ink disappeared within it. I still had a slight mustache, but it was less noticeable.

"You should be glad I'm a nice person," I glared at him.

"Why?" Lavi asked.

"Because if I were Bethany, then you would find every one of your belongings down to every last clothing item dyed pink," I turned away, but I knew he was probably sporting a horrified expression.

"But... The Exorcist uniform is mostly black! You can't dye black things pink!" He exclaimed, thinking he had won the battle.

"Then she would most likely paint it pink," I retorted, and after that, Lavi stopped talking.


"Um... I'm not sure who you think we are, but I can promise that we're good people!" I tried to comfort the crowd of angry people with pitchforks that was surrounding Lavi and I.

"But... You're bad!"

"Everyone in the village says so!" 



"I promise, we're not bad!" I tried to subdue the crowd. Lavi looked like he was at a loss of what to do, so I realized I was on my own.



"Harmers!" {F_R: Yes, it looks like "Hammers" to me too.} 

"THAT'S NOT EVEN A WORD!" One of the peers of the fearful villagers commented. The one who had called us "harmers" just glared and continued throwing out insults.

In a quiet, calm, yet somehow scary voice, I looked at each of them and asked to the group, "If we were here to hurt you, why haven't we done it yet? I could easily defeat you all as a group even without Lavi's help."

"Um... Tori... Would you be able to take them all on?" Lavi looked at me, concerned.

"Yup!" I replied, popping the "p" as usual.

"I thought-"


"What should we not know?" The guy with horrible grammar (*cough cough* "harmer" *cough cough* ... Wow, I sound like Bethany. Being around her isn't good for me...)

"If you're such great people, then why didn't people come before?!" A girl, about 12, glared.

"Because we were never alerted of this problem." I replied simply. My straightforward answer seemed to startle the girl slightly and she backed off.

Another child, only 3, staggered out from the crowd and said in front of the crowd, "I awerted the pwepol of dis!" ((I alerted the people of this!)).

I smiled kindly at the little boy, and he grinned back. A few of the people in the crowd made growling noises and stepped towards the child, and I placed a hand protectively on his shoulder.

"I don't recommend that," I felt my eyes flash a different color for a second, probably light green, then continued, "I may not want to hurt you, but if you attack this boy, I will not hesitate to protect him." I had no idea where this protective side was coming from, as I didn't know the boy, but I felt like I had to keep him safe.

"Do you know him?" An old voice called out.

"No, I don't. But my job is based around helping and saving peoples' lives." I looked into the eyes of the asker of the question.

"Really?" It looked like the person who I had been conversing with was a village elder or something of the sort, and she smiled kindly at me. I smiled back, using my "Love everyone" smile.

"That boy is my grandson," The elder smiled down at the child as well, "And I thank you for protecting him."

I ruffled his hair, "What's his name?"

"Ben," The elder responded, "And my name is Angela. If there is anything you need, we are here to help."




Many people argued. Angela silenced them with a wave of her finger and beckoned her hand to follow her.


"Mmph-fhanks!" (Mm, thanks!) I was busy stuffing my mouth while Lavi stared at me like I was insane.

"Geez, I don't know if I've ever seen even Allen eat that much!" He exclaimed, and Ben laughed.

"Who's 'Allen'?" Angela asked.

"One of our friends. He's like me, so he has to eat a lot as well," I explained.

"Ah, that makes sense. What exactly are you?" She then asked.

"We're Exorcists-"

"No, what are you?" She pointed a finger at me.

"A parasite type anti-akuma weapon," I replied simply.

"No, I've met parasite types. And you aren't one of them. What are you?!" She repeated.

"If I'm not a parasite type Exorcist, then I have no idea what I am, " I responded in a plain tone.

"Really..." Angela examined me for a few seconds, then shook her head as if to disregard a thought.

"What is it? Did I do something?" I questioned, feeling like I'd let someone down.

"No... It's nothing. But anyways, don't you two have a job to do?"

"Yes, I think we're going to head out right now, RIGHT LAVI?" I laid stress on certain words to gain attention from Lavi, who was sitting on a chair with what seemed to be a lot on his mind.

"What? Yeah, let's go!" Lavi snapped out of it, rejoining the world, and walked out the door with me following.


Yay! I'm sorry if Tori's voice is sounding like Bethany's sometimes, it's just me being me. Aaanyways, g'night my small fandom!! <333

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out <333

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