Chapter 4 - Bethany

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The room was completely dark, the only light I saw was a pale green glow emitting from my hands and a faint glow that was similar to my own in the distance. I walked over to the area, but it seemed to be a lot further away than I thought it was. It started moving, moving towards me. The light and I walked closer and closer together until I realized that the glowing thing I saw was really a person. She had long, black hair and green eyes. She was wearing a white shirt that she tucked into a pink skirt.

Ugh, I thought, I hate pink.

She looked at me with shock, then curiosity.

"Um... hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hi," She replied, also awkward.



"Awkwaaaaaaaaard..." I spoke, trying to ease the tension. It WORKED.

"Haha," The strange girl with the glowing tattoos laughed, "You're funny."

"I know, I'm just majestic like that," I responded in my false "Omg I'm better than everyone else who ever existed" tone of voice that popular kids use.

The girl laughed again, then asked, "What's your name?"

"Bethany. You?"

"I'm Victoria, but just call me Tori for both of our sakes."

"Um, why?" I was curious about this girl.

"Why what?" She seemed genuinely surprised I was actually talking to her.

"Why should I call you Tori? What if I wanted to call you Vicky or Veronica?" I laughed inwardly at my own joke. "Tori" got it, and laughed again. I'm sorry, but her laugh is HILARIOUS. It sounds like a monkey with a fever combined with a donkey on death road.

That being said, I just had to laugh along. Now, my laugh is no better- It sounds like... There are really no words to describe my laugh. The best way I can describe it is that it sounds like every single animal in the world dying a painful, horrible death. This made the both of us laugh our heads off even more so than before.

"Oh... my... gosh!" Tori gasped, "You... are.... hilarious!"

"Oh... why... thank you..." I gulped down the air.

"Are you almost done there?" A voice in the sky asked.

"WHATTHEHECKISGOINGONWHEREISTHATVOICECOMINGFROMOHMYGOSHHELPMEITSTHEAPOCOLYPSE!!!" I screeched (Translation: "What the heck is going on where is the voice coming from oh my gosh help me its the apocolypse!!!").

"Shhh, calm down," Tori gave me a hug, but this time, I didn't flinch at all. I think it was because even though I had just met her, I trusted her. I allowed myself to be hugged, partially because I trusted this girl I just met, and partially because I was too exausted to pull out of said hug.

"Ugh, are these really the exorcists that are supposed to-" The-Voice-From-The-Sky (AKA TVFTS) started, only to be cut off.

"YES, YES THEY ARE SO DONT TELL THEM ANYTHING!!!" A new voice shouted. I covered my ears since the echoing was really loud as well.

"Don't tell us... what?" I asked suspiciously.

"NOTHING, NOTHING. ITS NOTHING." NVFTS (New-Voice-From-The-Sky) replied nervously.

"Ugh, we'll find out eventually. Besides, you said something about exorcists?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. I'm sure by now that you've figured out that you're both Exorcists." One of the VFTS (Voices-From-The-Sky) sounded less than amused.

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