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"Alright, what should the project be about?" Yoongi asked as he grabbed a notebook from a nearby desk.

"Well, I was thinking... Maybe gun laws," Taehyung said, looking at Yoongi as if he were afraid he would be called stupid.

"Okay... What about them? Do you agree with them or not?"

"I think South Korea's gun laws are dumb as fuck. I mean, what if I want a gun? What if I need to defend myself? Or what if I want to get rid of a few people?"

Yoongi scanned Taehyung's face. He couldn't tell if he was joking about that last part or not. But for some reason, he knew where the boy was coming from.

"Yeah, I've wanted to get rid of a few people before, too," Yoongi grunted, thinking of his stepfather.

"Well, if guns were legal, we could get rid of as many people as we'd like. We may get arrested, but not if we get rid of ourselves, afterwards," Taehyung said coldly. Yoongi partially agreed.

"Hmph, well if your going to get rid of anyone, start with me first," Yoongi sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah..." Taehyung looked as though he were thinking hard about something.

"Anyway, we're getting off track a bit. So, you want to make guns legal here?" Yoongi asked, looking Taehyung in his dead eyes.

"Of course. Think of how much better society would be if guns were legal. We could get rid of the bad guys and the bullies," Taehyung paused. "We could really defend ourselves from predators. And we could free ourselves from..." His voice trailed off with the last part. Yoongi just stared.

"You really want to kill yourself, huh?"

"What? No! I'm just saying... Think of how much better life would be if we had a gun."

"Okay... And you don't really have a valid reason for killing yourself if you wanted to. At least, in my opinion you don't."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, confused.

"I mean, your life is pretty damn good if you ask me. You live in a nice house. You have a brother and both parents. Your clothes aren't falling apart. You're somewhat good looking," Taehyung seemed to blush at that comment. But his face soon returned to a scowl.

"Just because I have all that shit doesn't mean my life is happy. Mine might not be as fucked up as yours, but it still sucks," he said defensively.

"How? How does it suck? People have it worse than you so why kill yourself? Quit complaining, okay?"

"Just shut up. I can't explain it. And I don't feel like doing so, either." Taehyung snapped.

"Fine. Sorry your life sucks so much," Yoongi muttered and started writing down ideas.

"You really don't like me, do you? It's okay if you don't. Most people don't," Taehyung said out of nowhere.

"No. I don't like you. You're a middle class bastard who apparently thinks everything's about yourself. You and I are polar opposites, anyways."

"I hate you. I fucking hate you. You'll never understand, will you?"

"Nope. Apparently not. I'll never understand what it's like to be an attention-whore-"


Yoongi stared in shock at his bloody nose. Shock quickly turned to rage as he reared his fist back and punched the boy in the jaw. Taehyung grabbed Yoongi and flipped him over, climbing on top of him and sitting on his stomach.

"Don't fucking worry, Yoongi. Once I get the chance, I'll be sure that you die first. Maybe then you'll change your perspective on me," Taehyung spat as he let the boy underneath him breathe.

Yoongi gasped for air and sat up. "Fine. But you'll always be a middle class bastard to me," Yoongi sneered as he wiped the blood off his lip.

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