Costly Freedom

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      Yoongi sat at the kitchen table, listening to the clock ticking on the wall.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

      A sound like that could drive a person insane if they listened long enough. Yoongi covered his ears with his hands to tune out the noise. It didn't help. He wasn't aloud to go into his room, for some reason his stepfather didn't want him to. Yoongi was about to get up when something hit him hard on the head.

"Ouch!" Yoongi yelled, rubbing his head.

"Don't yell in my damn house!" His stepfather shouted from behind him. The man was holding a wooden bat in his hands. Yoongi felt himself shrink in his shadow.

"Now, apologize for yelling!" The man said with a smile on his face. Yoongi couldn't muster up any words.


"Speak louder you fucking idiot!" The man yelled as Yoongi received a blow to the stomach. He fell back and coughed up blood, wiping it away with the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry for yell-"

"Mean it!" His stepfather shouted, striking him in the head again. Yoongi felt dizzy as his vision blurred.

"I'm really really really sorry for yelling!" Yoongi screamed above the sound of wood hitting bone.  Yoongi covered his face as tears fell from his eyes.

"I don't believe you," the man scowled, giving Yoongi one last hit to the left cheek. Yoongi could feel bruises start to form.

"Now, pour me a glass of wine would ya?" The man ordered as he swung the bat back and forth. Yoongi got up and stumbled to the kitchen counter. He grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and was about it set it down when something caught his eye. A knife.

      It was a butcher knife. The same knife that his stepfather had used to cut him so long ago. Yoongi stared at it. He looked over his shoulder; the man was watching TV, not paying attention. Oblivious to what was about to happen.

      Yoongi set down the glass and slowly, quietly picked up the knife with his shaking hands. He looked down at the blade, then at the man who's back was facing towards him. Perfect.

      Yoongi was done. He was done putting up with the evil man's bullshit. He was tired of getting beat. Of watching his mother suffer, as well. Once he got rid of the man, he would be free. No one would have to know, right?

      He slowly approached the currently peaceful man. He snuck up behind him, knife at the ready. He grabbed onto the back of his chair, gently. He raised the knife in the air and-

"Yoongi, what are you doing?"


Time seemed to slow down. Yoongi's mind started to race as he slowly developed a plan in his head. He only had such little time.

His mother stood there behind him. She had called his name. Why was she here? Why now? Yoongi stared at her, distracted. Her eyes widened and she yelled something, something that Yoongi couldn't hear.

"You bitch!" His stepfather roared. The man stood up and punched Yoongi in the face. His mother screamed as the man attacked her, as well. Yoongi lay on the floor, the knife slipping from his grasp. He tried to grab it, but it fell out of his hand and clanked to the floor.

The man turned around at the noise.

"You were going to stab me?! In my own home? You ungrateful little bitch!" His stepfather yelled and stormed over to him. He bent over and picked up the knife lying next to him.

"No!" Yoongi shouted. The man took the knife and headed over to the woman. He raised it in the air and slammed it into her with all his might. Yoongi felt his world collapse at the sight of it.

Blood. Screams. Insanity. All in one moment.

Yoongi began to sob as the man turned back to him, a smile on his face. Yoongi's sadness turned to rage.

"Fuck you! I fucking hate you!" Yoongi screamed and, with the little strength he had left, he ran at the man. The man who had a knife. The man who was ten times stronger than he was. But it didn't matter. In that moment, Yoongi felt unstoppable.

Yoongi punched the man in the face and grabbed the knife from his grasp. The man was shocked at first, then angry. But Yoongi had the upper hand this time.

The boy reared back his arm and stabbed the man in the chest, aiming for the heart. He missed, but close enough. Anger turned to shock, shock turned to agony, agony turned to defeat. The man crumbled to the floor next to his wife, landing in a pool of blood. Yoongi stared down at what he did. Was he a monster? A murderer? He was now.

      Yoongi didn't even look at his dead mother. He didn't want to be sad. He didn't want to be reminded of what he did. Instead, he walked over the bleeding bodies and opened the door to his room. He locked the door behind him and grabbed his drumsticks in shaking, bloody hands.

He felt numb.


      He hit the snaredrum. Harder and harder and harder. The loud noise prevented any kind of thought from entering his spinning mind. He was finally free, but at the same time, he'd never felt so alone.

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